Hey! I’m Not a Book! I’m Really… a MONSTER!

Children - Picture Book
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 10/07/2024
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Author Biography

Captain HappyLife is a silly pirate who enjoys making funny, easy to read children’s books.

Captain HappyLife’s goal is to encourage everyone to celebrate a full and happy life. The Captain loves to bring joy to parents’ and kids’ lives by making them smile and laugh out loud together.

When Captain HappyLife is not making silly kid’s books, you might find him enjoying a sunset or singing and dancing to pirate songs. Or maybe even hiding in the pages of his books! (Keep an eye out for him…)

You can look for Captain HappyLife on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and, Tik Tok… but, you likely won’t find him. And his 6 followers. 2 of which are his wife and parrot. (The Captain suspects the wife may have helped the parrot follow him.)

Thanks for reading! Enjoy!

    Book Review

Reviewed by Afifa Raisa for Readers' Favorite

Hey! I’m Not a Book! I’m Really… a MONSTER! by Captain HappyLife begins in a way that goes perfectly with the title. The narrator claims that it might look like an ordinary book, but it is, in reality, a monster. The monster wants the reader to be afraid, and it makes a series of silly attempts to appear scary. It roars and boos, trying hard to prove that it is indeed a monster. When the reader still does not seem scared, the narrator gives it one last shot by biting their hand. When nothing works, it admits that it is not a monster, and monsters are not real at all.

Captain HappyLife’s Hey! I’m Not a Book! I’m Really… a MONSTER! is a unique work that speaks directly to the young reader. Although it lacks a proper plot, it is in no way less enjoyable. A book intended for very young children does not necessarily have to be serious. This story is meant to be silly, and it is this silliness that makes it fun for them. The illustration of the monster is quite adorable, making its desperate attempt to be scary appear cute and funny at the same time. The ending is also clever, and to kids, the association between the monster and the humor in the book might make the former seem less scary in the future. This work is likely to be enjoyed by both children aged two to four and the caregivers who will help them read it.