Hi! My Name is Betty!

Children - Animals
46 Pages
Reviewed on 06/06/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Emma Megan for Readers' Favorite

Hi! My Name is Betty! by Dr. Bob Marshall and Jeremy Marshall is a heartwarming children's picture book. It tells the story of how a baby raccoon named Betty became a part of a kind, loving family. One day, when a storm came out of nowhere and her mother was out finding food, Betty fell out of her nest. At first, Betty felt so small, scared, and alone, but a kind veterinarian found and rescued her. Betty felt lucky to be in an animal hospital, where all little animals like her get help if needed. Dr. Bob and his daughter, Stephanie, took good care of Betty. They brought her into their home in the woods and fed her. They let her play outside, swim in her own little pool, and climb trees. Yet when Betty was old enough and strong enough to go out on her own, she knew it was time to go back into the wild.

I adore raccoons, and Betty's story really touched my heart. I am sure it will touch the hearts of children of all ages. Hi! My Name is Betty! by Dr. Bob Marshall and Jeremy Marshall is a charming tale of friendship, kindness, and responsibility. The inspiring storyline and adorable illustrations by Kristin Marshall will help ignite an appreciation for caring for nature and all the animals among us. I loved that there's a collection of family photographs of the real-life Betty in the book. This book promotes important values such as empathy, generosity, and caring for animals. Hi! My Name is Betty! is the perfect gift for any animal lover or young reader who loves raccoons.