Human Verses

Non-Fiction - Grief/Hardship
46 Pages
Reviewed on 09/06/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Juan Lynch for Readers' Favorite

Human Verses by Katya Zinn is a thought-provoking compilation of free verse poetry. Zinn's poems explore a range of human experiences and emotions like grief and hope. Every poem in this collection is written in the first-person perspective, as the work is partly autobiographical. This work features an unfiltered view into the mind of someone who has gone through and seen others go through trauma. Experiencing emotional, verbal, physical, and or sexual abuse can be crippling. It is especially hurtful when the ones you expect to be the protectors are predators that see you as prey. Also, the mental issues that remain long past hurtful experiences are not easy to treat. But at the end of the day, Human Verses encourages all to survive.

I enjoyed reading Human Verses by Katya Zinn. All the poems have a very conversational tone. Whether the poet recounted a conversation with a cult leader, spoke about a bad experience with a parental figure, or shared her views on multiverse theories, I felt the sincerity behind every word. The way the poems were structured added to the meaning and artistry of the poems. I appreciated that Zinn seemed to choose every word carefully. I loved the use of metaphors and visual imagery throughout the collection. Lines like "...there are prisons that don't look like prisons until you try to open the door" resonated with me. There are a lot of quotable lines in this work. I believe that all poetry enthusiasts would highly enjoy Human Verses.