I Accidentally Summoned a Demon Boyfriend

Romance - Fantasy/Sci-Fi
319 Pages
Reviewed on 06/18/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Olga Markova for Readers' Favorite

I Accidentally Summoned a Demon Boyfriend by award-winning and bestselling author Jessica Cage is an exhilarating paranormal fantasy romance. Rayna is 36, a successful artist, and a digital marketer. She has a wonderful home, good friends, and loyal clients. But she is the last single girl among her friends. A never-ending string of bad dates makes Rayna wonder if it is high time to buy a few cats and head for the mountains, never to be seen again. But then she remembers a fantasy book where all it took to conjure up a perfect boyfriend was a special candle, some oils, a feather, and a dance in the moonlight. Ignoring her grandma’s warnings against playing with magic, strong-headed Rayna braves the spell. Before long, a demon appears in her bedroom. Was it the effect of Rayna's wine or the spell?

Jessica Cage’s I Accidentally Summoned a Demon Boyfriend is an awesome tale of romance and magic. Witty bickering, mind games glittering with hilarious humor, and jaw-dropping magical adventures unfold against the rich tapestry of ecological disasters, diversity and inclusion, friendship, unrequited love, and life-changing kindness. Rayna is a piece of work, and demon Metice is a lover to die for. But for me, the real show stealer was Pico, the apricot-smelling magical blue pet dog who instantly won my heart. The author intended this riveting tale for single women over thirty, but I think it will also thrill readers of any age and gender who enjoy adult humor, magic, and unconventional romance. Graphic erotic scenes, gore, and profanity make this story suitable for mature adults only.