I Will Dance Across the Morning Sky

Children - Religious Theme
42 Pages
Reviewed on 08/08/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Tanya Kays for Readers' Favorite

I Will Dance Across the Morning Sky by Marcia McGee Ashford is a poignant and beautiful tribute to the people we have lost. Whether we have lost a spouse, family member, friend, or animal companion, this book is perfect for children and adults experiencing loss and grief. Through her beautifully crafted poems, Marcia McGee Ashford reassures readers that their loved ones are not gone forever but are with God in heaven. It reminds us that our loved ones want us to celebrate their memories by living a happy and meaningful life until we meet them again someday. This beautifully written book reminds us that life does not end after death, and we can still enjoy a meaningful life despite it. The author gracefully assures readers that death is not the end but another journey into new life.

I Will Dance Across the Morning Sky is easy to read and comforting to the soul. It delivers a remarkably compelling and soothing message in uncertain times and opens the way for more in-depth discussions on life and death. It is the perfect book for families coping with grief and loss. It does an incredible job of helping readers celebrate a life well-lived. Marcia McGee Ashford's book is an emotional tribute that will relate to everyone's experiences. I found the poems and beautiful illustrations very moving. Sudipta Steve Dasgupta's expressive artwork flows well with Ashford's poignant messages of hope. I recommended this thoughtful book to readers who have lost a loved one, church groups, persons working in hospice centers, and groups providing bereavement support.