

Poetry - General
126 Pages
Reviewed on 06/02/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Icons is a collection of poetic works in the technology, philosophy, and cultural writing genres. Penned by author Jonathan Reeve Price, this interesting book presents a multidisciplinary exploration of computer icons, combining essays, imagery, and poetry. Price delves into the cultural, historical, and functional significance of one hundred different icons, revealing their deeper meanings and symbolic power. He blends personal reflection with cultural analysis, showing how these everyday digital symbols evoke ancient technology, memes, and mysteries, and how they serve as functional buttons within our systems. The book elevates the mundane icons we encounter daily into a form of symbolic art, encouraging readers to reconsider the rich implications behind these seemingly simple images.

Author Jonathan Reeve Price takes an unusual and highly original viewpoint to deliver a captivating journey through the often-overlooked world of computer icons. The book's exploration revealed that these small symbols are so much more than we give them credit for, becoming indicators of culture, history, and the modern codes we live by. As simple and effective artworks, each with its own title, the icons come loaded with implications and attitudes that Price deftly unpacks in wonderful lyricism and bright, enthusiastic, exploratory text. His background as a conceptual artist and concrete poet shines through, blending technical expertise with poetic imagination. This fusion makes each page a revelation, transforming everyday icons into rich symbols of human experience and cultural evolution. A few of my personal favorites included the hark-back to classical art in ‘Palette’, the meta-exploration of capturing imagery itself in ‘Lens Blur’, and the highly amusing, energetic feel of ‘Gesture’. Overall, Icons is a must-read for anyone interested in poetry and the cultural impact of technology on our world, and I enjoyed it immensely.