If I Must Go, You Must Stay

Children - Social Issues
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 10/02/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

If I Must Go, You Must Stay is a picture book for children by Hazem Nassar with artwork also by the author. In this heartbreaking and poignant story, we meet a young girl, Salma, who finds herself suddenly buried in rubble and searching for her family. When she hears her brother, Ahmad, calling to her, she has a moment of hope, but the circumstances she finds herself in are even more heartbreaking when they have one final conversation. But as tragedy looms, Salma rises from the rubble with a new sense of purpose and a poignant message to take with her into adulthood. Nassar has crafted a poignant book that readers of all ages can engage with, but it will bring particular comfort to children from war-torn backgrounds.

The imagery is emotive and heartbreaking, with moments of light and darkness beautifully juxtaposed to show the variety of complex emotions that little Salma has to deal with. From fear to loss, comfort to hurt, and the weight of the future she now has ahead of her, it’s incredible to see Hazem Nassar’s message of hope and strength shine through to a very important conclusion. This little book says a lot in very few pages. It will also be a valuable asset in classrooms the world over, particularly in countries lucky enough not to be affected by the ravages of conflict, as a valuable learning aid to gain empathy for children like Salma. The author’s personal experiences, upbringing, and intelligent emotional resonance make this book perfectly pitched for maximum impact and emphasis on some very powerful and heartbreaking lessons. Overall, If I Must Go, You Must Stay is a must-read that should be in every school library and classroom, and on children’s bookshelves.

Doreen Chombu

If I Must Go, You Must Stay by Hazem Nassar is an emotional story about siblings trapped in the rubble. Salma and her brother Ahmad are the only survivors after a disaster and are dealing with the trauma of being physically separated under the debris. They both yearn for their family's presence and have a final conversation. Ahmad knows he is about to leave her, just like everyone else, and he decides to prepare her. He comforts her in the form of a yellow bird, telling her to stay strong and to tell his story. She realizes she does not need wings to escape her current predicament, but roots to keep her standing because they will always remind her of her loved ones and the memories they shared.

If I Must Go, You Must Stay is a moving story about family and resilience in the face of unimaginable loss. Through the poignant exchange between Salma and her brother Ahmad, the narrative encapsulates the deep bonds of sibling love and the heart-wrenching reality of separation during a catastrophe. Their conversation serves as a powerful reminder that, while physical presence may be fleeting, the emotional connections and shared memories remain a source of strength and hope. Ultimately, the story emphasizes the importance of holding onto one’s roots and creating new beginnings. Hazem Nassar's poetic and rhythmic writing style makes the book engaging. The story is inspired by the author’s experiences with war, adding an authentic touch to the narrative and educating readers about the impact of war on families. The beautiful illustrations with a dark theme perfectly capture the sad and grim nature of the narrative. Overall, this is a powerful and thought-provoking story about love, loss, and resilience. Great work!

Alija Turkovic

If I Must Go, You Must Stay is an emotional children's book written and illustrated by Hazem Nassar. This story is about a little girl, Salma, who learns to be resilient amidst heart-wrenching circumstances. One day, Salma finds herself trapped alone under a pile of rubble. She is afraid. She calls out to her family, but no one answers. Where are they? Suddenly, Salma hears the faint voice of her brother, Ahmad. His voice offers her comfort and strength during their final conversation together. Ahmad assures Salma that even though he (along with their family) has to go away for a while, they will all meet again someday. But until that fateful day arrives, he needs her to survive and share their story with the world. Why is Ahmad's message crucial? Read this touching book to discover why.

If I Must Go, You Must Stay offers a candid view of the aftermath of war. This heartbreaking picture book perfectly reflects the trauma experienced by people (especially children) living in war-torn countries. Hazem Nassar writes with genuine sensitivity, enabling readers to empathize with Salma's plight. His illustrations are moving without being scary. The text is deeply insightful and very simple to digest. It demonstrates Nassar's ability to depict a powerful story using simple language within a short page count. I particularly love Ahmad's request to his sister. The reasoning behind it is heart-warming and thought-provoking. Read this heartfelt book to discover Hazem Nassar's inspirational message to children who have gone through experiences similar to Salma's. By extension, his message is also a poignant message to the world. This beautiful children's book will appeal to young readers who can read it independently or in a classroom setting.

Mimie Odigwe

Little Salma is trapped under rubble. She cannot see or hear anyone. Distraught, Salma cries out for her family. When she finally hears her brother’s voice, she feels relief. He tells her that he’s with Mama, Baba, Beisan, and Deema, her siblings, and they’re going up. Salma is confused. “Please, don’t leave me behind,” she begs. But that is the last time she speaks with him. Salma has to stay to get her wings and tell their story. If I Must Go, You Must Stay, written and illustrated by Hazem Nassar, is a touching book that highlights the plight of children living in war-torn countries.

This little children’s picture book is not little at all. Hazem Nassar packs heavy, intense emotions into these pages—strong enough to make grown adults tear up, yet simplified for children to comprehend. The book contains age-appropriate language and clearly conveys its message. The symbolism is powerful: the darkness cloaking the pages represents the literal and figurative darkness of being stuck in a war-torn country and buried under rubble. The bright little bird symbolizes passing to a better life, and once Salma finds her roots, we see the breaking of dawn—a representation of resilience and new beginnings. This book will not traumatize readers. It will introduce children to compassion at an early age. I recommend If I Must Go You Must Stay by Hazem Nassar to parents and teachers who want their children to better understand what is happening in conflict-ridden countries.

Emma Megan

If I Must Go, You Must Stay by Hazem Nassar is an exceptionally moving and haunting children's picture book. In it, a little girl trapped under the rubble discovers that her family is no longer beside her and that she's alone -- until a familiar voice gives her hope. When Salma suddenly finds herself alone, no longer seeing or hearing any of her family members, she doesn't know what to do. Shortly after, she hears her brother's voice. She doesn't know what's happening. She doesn't want to be left alone in the dark, but hearing her brother's voice gives her hope. Unfortunately, she doesn't know that she and her brother will have one final heartbreaking and empowering conversation that will stay with her forever.

If I Must Go, You Must Stay by Hazem Nassar is a powerful and impactful story told with an authentic voice and compassion. It offers the young reader insight into how fragile, tragic, confusing, and scary life is for children trapped in war-torn places. It's about the intense emotional connection between siblings in the face of tragedy and the importance of roots and being prepared for a new beginning. The touching illustrations perfectly capture one of the horrors of war. It is also uplifting, hopeful, and designed to inspire those facing tragedy and loss to build the strength and courage to move forward with their lives because they can fulfill their dreams and tell their family's story as long as they are alive. Young children everywhere should read this book. Salma's story will move both children and adults to tears.