In the Time of Coronavirus

Non-Fiction - Social Issues
276 Pages
Reviewed on 06/18/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Emma Megan for Readers' Favorite

In the Time of Coronavirus is a helpful book on living through a pandemic and its impact on our daily lives while offering simple self-care tips. Janet Zinn has a background as a mental health first responder following 9/11, a psychotherapist who specializes in trauma, loss, and crises, and a blogger who helps her readers find a way forward in difficult times. This book is a compilation of her blog posts dating back to the earliest days of COVID-19, with beautiful photographs. Janet invites us to look back at what we collectively and individually experienced and what it was like to have our everyday lives turned upside down, be starved of social interactions, miss events, or adjust to ongoing uncertainty. 

In the Time of Coronavirus provides a cathartic experience that helps us realize our courage, strength, and resistance in getting through difficult times. This insightful book makes us reflect on what we gave up, lost, or missed, the lessons we learned about ourselves, how the pandemic has tested us, how we changed, and the new moods and behaviors we've adopted. Janet Zinn's personal experiences help us remember that the struggle was real and intense. This book reminds us of how social isolation affected our lives, the stresses of working in a pandemic, and the carousel of negative emotions we got caught up in, so we can value and appreciate more our capacity to adapt and heal. It's a must-read for those wanting to remember the monotony of life during the pandemic and the irritating process of adjusting to social distancing and isolation.