
The Hueman Lyrics of Greg Powell

Poetry - General
151 Pages
Reviewed on 10/21/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Invitation takes readers on a spiritual journey narrated in poetry using the rhythmic patterns of music. Penned by Greg Powell, this enthralling poetry collection is a culmination of lifelong experiences. Powell draws from his observations on life and society at large to present captivating poems that touch upon topics related to 'hueman' preaching, love, positive meditation, racism, fascism, systematic oppression, and much more. In "Momma's Redemption Song," a mother tells her child not to be bogged down by the rigors of life and keep fighting for freedom. A father passes down some key life lessons to his sons in "Lyrics for My Sons." "Ballad of the Dreaded Cowboy" honors the true story of Adam Hollingsworth, who launched a protest in Chicago in 2020 on behalf of the city's underprivileged children.

If you're a poetry enthusiast with a love for poems that tackle real-world social issues, Invitation is a collection you shouldn't miss out on. Greg Powell takes a deep dive into spiritual, social, and personal themes with these poems, and they take you on an illuminating odyssey that leaves you with a lot to think about long after you've finished reading. Powell has a powerful poetic voice and a distinctive flair that lends a lot of emotional weight to the overall poetic narrative. Many of these poems tackle some hard-hitting issues, and the author never shies away from calling out institutional tyranny in America that has systematically oppressed many communities based on race and ethnicity. All in all, it's an inspiring work I recommend to all poetry lovers or even a socially-conscious reader in general. Highly recommended!