Isle of Dragons

The Hidden Library (Book 2)

Young Adult - Fantasy - Epic
288 Pages
Reviewed on 08/07/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Essien Asian for Readers' Favorite

King Jarrod's battle against the witches has reached its tipping point. Sure that an ancient relic holds the key to defeating his rivals permanently, he recruits a demoted warrior, Kaylen Jacobs, promising to restore her to her former glory only if she can find this relic. It supposedly opens the doorway between realms and can fulfill a mysterious prophecy. Kaylen sees an opportunity to restore her damaged home of Vansh and accepts the assignment, even though it means she will contend with one of her oldest and closest friends, Jade Sol, who wants to end the king's tyranny and bring peace to her people. Only time will tell who wins in this battle for survival in L.A. Thompson's Isle Of Dragons.

L.A. Thompson's captivating series continues in The Hidden Library, the second installment of Isle Of Dragons. The worldbuilding is finely detailed and exquisite. With the spell casting and magical stones, the addition of dragons, old spirits, new spirits, and chaos demons, along with brief explanations for each one discreetly tucked away in the banter, creates a unique setting where anything seems possible. Utilizing a short origin story and subtle hints of a past, nonviolent relationship between Kaylen and Jade, Thompson quickly introduces the reader to the principal characters, making the character development easy to follow. The conversations between the characters on both sides of this intriguing divide carry a hint of distrust among teammates, which adds to the suspense and immerses readers in the narrative as they anticipate this evenly-paced adventure's conclusion. This is an ideal novel for fans of fantasy, thanks to Thompson's distinctive storytelling style.