Jackhammer Lullaby

Poetry - General
140 Pages
Reviewed on 08/15/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Luwi Nyakansaila for Readers' Favorite

Jackhammer Lullaby by Michael Albanese is a collection of poems that explore art, the power of words, and beauty and brokenness in the world. It is a love letter to poetry, celebrating its rich history, versatility, and ability to express the full range of human emotions. It delves into the complexities of life and explores the human experience. The poems evoke a range of emotions, from the determination and gratitude of a strong woman to the struggles of child abuse, the death of the innocent, and continuous suffering. The author tells emotional stories about an innocent inmate on death row, immigrants, and mass shooting victims. The collection also touches on themes of hope, faith, and new beginnings, as well as the beauty of Ireland and the importance of real estate and investing.

Jackhammer Lullaby is a multifaceted collection of poems that covers various societal issues and also includes emotional stories that impacted the author's life. I loved the introduction as it gives a glimpse into the author’s personal experiences with poetry, from writing daily poems for his girlfriend to finding inspiration in everyday life. It also reflects on the power of poetry to heal, provoke, and bring people together. The poems are a testament to the enduring appeal of poetry and its ability to bring joy and comfort to those who read and write it. The inclusion of handwritten original poems and contemporary reflections adds a personal touch, making the collection a deeply intimate and relatable read. I enjoyed this book as it is emotionally engaging and thought-provoking. Overall, this is great work.

Pikasho Deka

Michael Albanese reflects upon various aspects of life in this enthralling poetry collection. Jackhammer Lullaby covers a broad spectrum of ideas and topics, examining human behavior in myriad ways. 'Faith' is a stimulating poem showcasing how it opens the door to new and extraordinary possibilities. Being a dreamer and a fool go hand in hand, aptly demonstrated in 'Fool.' In 'Judge,' the narrator describes various situations when judgment comes in handy. 'Landlord' puts the reader into the headspace of a person who sees others as nothing more than pawns to be used and taken advantage of. 'Madeline' is an ode to the author's partner in life. 'Poetry' delves into the poetic medium and celebrates its ability to capture fleeting moments of human emotions on paper. 'Virus' brings to light the impact of COVID-19 throughout the world.

With this eclectic collection of poems, Michael Albanese explores different facets of the human condition. Jackhammer Lullaby touches upon various themes and ideas, examining human behavior through the lens of love, hate, loss, morality, race, and much more. The underlying themes aside, there is an abstract quality to many of Albanese's poetic stanzas that leaves them open to interpretation. The author is a master of his craft and displays a poetic flair that feels distinct and refreshingly authentic. Albanese primarily uses free verse to tell poetic stories that are emotionally evocative and thematically rich and colorful. Each poem feels unique and carefully crafted with clever wordplay, and the author doesn't hesitate to use different verse structures. Overall, I found this collection very poignant and thought-provoking. If you're a poetry lover, do not miss out on this book!

Doreen Chombu

Jackhammer Lullaby by Michael Albanese is a collection of poems that draws inspiration from the beauty and brokenness of the world and humanity. From embracing nature and daily living to a prayer of an inmate on death row, the poems present a juxtaposition of emotions from opposite spectrums. They also touch on the power of poetry, the struggles and triumphs of human existence, and the impact of music. They also incorporate references to songs like Every Breath You Take by The Police, spiritual influences, and personal experiences. Additionally, the poems reflect the author’s observations on life, hope, and moments of tragedy. The collection includes poems about dreamers, heroes’ journeys, the value of investing in land and property, and much more.

Jackhammer Lullaby is a captivating collection of poems that touch on various topics, offering something for every reader to relate to and connect with. The book made me contemplate the highs and lows of life and the enduring hope we hold for the future. Life is intricate, with each moment weaving together a tapestry of our own experiences and those of others around us, on both personal and global levels. Michael Albanese skillfully communicates this message through diverse scenarios and perspectives, offering a glimpse into each person’s soul, and portraying their struggles and victories. The author’s use of vivid imagery and descriptive language effectively transports readers to different times and places, enabling them to immerse themselves in each experience firsthand. Jackhammer Lullaby is a must-read for lovers of engaging and compelling poetry.