Jackie and the Magical Guys

Fiction - Graphic Novel/Comic
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 07/20/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Gabriel Santos for Readers' Favorite

One hundred years from now, powerful monsters will annihilate humanity. The only hope lies with Jackie, a girl tasked with returning to the past and assembling a group of female heroes to prevent this tragedy. There are a few issues with this plan, however. The first problem is that Jackie is a sixteen-year-old with no field experience, but no one else is alive to do the job. The second problem is that, shortly after reaching the present, she has to face a rampaging monster without any preparation. Out of options, she picks a group of students to become female heroes... even though they’re all guys. Thus begins the graphic novel Jackie and the Magical Guys, by Amy Linsamouth, as Jackie and her new group of friends must use their abilities to save the world.

This first volume is a fast-paced introduction to the world, characters, and plot, not wasting any second in establishing the premise. I loved the short but action-packed time I spent with the story and characters. If you’re in the mood for a lighthearted romp filled with witty banter, eccentric personalities, and puns (lots and lots of puns), then look no further. Amy Linsamouth and Hamons, the illustrator, draw clear influences from anime and manga regarding character design, visual humor, tropes, and general style, so fans of Japanese media should find themselves at home. Overall, Jackie and the Magical Guys gave me a positive first impression, and I look forward to reading the following volumes.