
Dictations through the Messenger Tatyana Nicholaevna Mickushina (from 2005 through 2016) (Masters of Wisdom)

Non-Fiction - Spiritual/Supernatural
148 Pages
Reviewed on 10/09/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jamie Michele for Readers' Favorite

Jesus by Tatyana N. Mickushina is a collection of messages that were dictated directly from Jesus to Mickushina over nearly a decade. Jesus, through Mickushina, describes the Kingdom of Heaven as a state of consciousness achieved through personal evolution. He emphasizes direct communion with him over adherence to doctrines, speaking on historical misunderstandings of his teachings. He stresses personal purification, self-reflection, and enduring trials similar to his own for spiritual clarity and compassion. He critiques established religions for misrepresenting true teachings and addresses social inequalities as reflections of consciousness, asserting universal equality before God. He advocates for genuine service to God, focusing on inner transformation, spiritual responsibility, and direct communication with the Divine through prayer. He also calls for an inner awakening, emphasizing love and compassion.

In her book Jesus: Dictations through the Messenger Tatyana Nicholaevna Mickushina, by Tatyana N. Mickushina, the messages from Jesus are presented chronologically and entirely in the first person, as they were dictated. I thought it was interesting that there is a mix of themes, some that readers will find familiar in Christianity, such as the importance of love and compassion, and also the prevalence of less conventional ideas, including detailed discussions on reincarnation and karma. What sets this work apart is Mickushina's commitment to presenting Jesus's words without personal interpretation, allowing readers to engage directly with the divine message. As a result, the work is most likely to resonate with those interested in theological non-fiction that incorporates elements of the supernatural and spiritual receptivity. On its own, it is a singular read for those seeking deeper spiritual understanding and personal growth.