Kindred Spirits

Baker City Hearts & Haunts Book 5

Romance - Paranormal
393 Pages
Reviewed on 07/26/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Priya Mathew for Readers' Favorite

Kindred Spirits is the fifth book in the Baker City: Hearts & Haunts series by Josie Malone. Captain Rex Sinclair and Sergeant First Class Deborah (Debbie) Ramsey, both scarred by heartaches from their pasts, decide to have a marriage of convenience. Eight years later, Debbie longs for civilian life and has her heart set on running a riding stable in Baker City. Rex is not yet ready to let Debbie go and tries using their secret marriage as leverage to keep her in the Army. When Rex’s daughters seek refuge with him, Debbie makes a choice and decides to move ahead with her plan to protect her future and theirs. Transitioning to civilian life in Baker City, Debbie hopes to make a fresh start away from her troubled past. Rex on the other hand wants to give his marriage with Debbie a real chance. Will their past hurts stand in the way of their future happiness? Will the little town and its eccentric townsfolk make room in their community for the Sinclair family?

Josie Malone has written an engaging and well-rounded story in Kindred Spirits. The narrative is direct and fast-paced for the most part, using interactions (both dialogue and internal monologues) to provide insight into the characters' motivations and feelings. Rex's and Debbie's backstories helped add depth to their characters and made me better understand their current predicament. The inclusion of a ghostly character from the army hospital, Moises Pride, adds a mysterious subplot to the story and enhances the suspense. I enjoyed the camaraderie between the characters and the subtle use of humor. Kindred Spirits features characters who were introduced in earlier books. While this one can be read as a standalone, I think it might be better to read the series in order to fully understand the setting and the unique paranormal elements. Kindred Spirits offers a mix of romance, mystery, and a touch of paranormal suspense and is a good read for fans of these genres.