King Cotton II

Kentucky Gold

Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
322 Pages
Reviewed on 08/21/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Nino Lobiladze for Readers' Favorite

Jack Bailey hurries to leave Washington after President Abraham Lincoln is killed. Jack doesn't want to become a suspect because of his friendship with Anna Surratt and John Wilkes Booth. He decides to move to Texas for a while, but his unexpected meeting with the President of the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis, and his entourage changes Jack's plans. He gets part of the Confederate gold and promises to keep it away from the Union. But this treasure is too tempting to give it back. Jack wants to get to the Colorado Territory but finds a business opportunity in Kentucky. He hides the golden coins, hoping to avoid the Pinkerton agents and Davis' men. King Cotton II: Kentucky Gold by Richard A. Noble will appeal to fans of historical fiction, adventure novels, dramas, and mysteries.

In King Cotton II: Kentucky Gold, historical figures directly participate in the dramatic events that took place after the assassination of President Lincoln. Richard A. Noble revives the dry historical facts from history textbooks and turns them into thrilling adventures. Jack Bailey never rests. His constant movement across America's West and South makes the narrative compelling and easy to follow. Jack is a complex character. He is an astute businessman, but his carelessness often leads him into dangerous situations. Jack's interactions with Allan Pinkerton and Susan James add a unique zest to the narration. In this informative novel, the author shows us how post-Civil War America was taking shape. Noble touches on the purchase of Alaska and vividly describes a frontier town and its everyday life. The Battle of Beecher Island leaves a lasting impression, thanks to the stirring details. I appreciated the handy footnotes and authentic photographs and illustrations.

K.C. Finn

King Cotton II: Kentucky Gold is a work of historical fiction penned by author Richard A. Noble. In this thrilling sequel, Noble follows the adventures of Jack Bailey, a cotton trader, photographer, and Civil War veteran, who inadvertently becomes embroiled in significant historical events after fleeing Washington following Lincoln's assassination. Set in the tumultuous aftermath of the Civil War, Bailey's path intersects with notable figures like Jefferson Davis, Wild Bill Hickok, and Jesse James, while he becomes involved in key moments such as the first quick-draw gunfight and early train robberies. Noble's narrative skillfully blends historical fact with fiction, creating a rich tapestry of post-Civil War America. The author's inclusion of a modern-day discovery of Confederate gold coins in 2023 adds an intriguing layer of mystery, hinting at Bailey's enigmatic exploits and hidden connections.

Author Richard A. Noble demonstrates remarkable storytelling prowess in this exhilarating historical novel. His vivid portrayal of Jack Bailey's adventures, seamlessly blending historical events with fictional exploits, creates an engaging and immersive read. Noble's prose is dynamic and evocative, bringing the post-Civil War era to life with vivid detail and an authentic atmosphere. The author's ability to depict Bailey's encounters with legendary figures and his involvement in pivotal moments of American history is particularly impressive, making these scenes feel almost tangible to the reader. Noble's descriptive prowess shines in his depictions of the period's landscapes, social dynamics, and historical tensions. The addition of the 2023 Confederate gold discovery is a masterstroke, cleverly tying the past to the present and showcasing the author's talent for creating intrigue. Noble's exploration of Bailey's complex character - his dubious morals, charm, and knack for being at the center of history - is nuanced and compelling, demonstrating skill in character development. The balance Noble strikes between historical accuracy and imaginative storytelling is commendable, creating a narrative that is both educational and thoroughly entertaining. Overall, King Cotton II: Kentucky Gold is a captivating journey through a richly textured historical world, blending fact and fiction into a seamless, engaging narrative that will leave readers eager to learn more of Bailey's secrets.

Carmen Tenorio

King Cotton II: Kentucky Gold by Richard A. Noble begins with Jack Bailey’s whereabouts just moments after the Lincoln assassination in 1865. He escaped from Washington D.C. to avoid being a suspect and headed into the deep South. Shortly after reaching Savannah, Jack was entrusted with hundreds of gold coins from the Confederacy’s Treasury by alleged Lincoln assassination conniver Jefferson Davis. Upon some reflection on his way to Texas to regroup with the other Confederates, Jack started to see the gold cache as just compensation for all the wrongdoing and suffering he had endured during the Civil War. He decided to use the stash for his purposes; he worked, grew his cotton business, and built a diversified investment portfolio. He also had to deal with both the good and bad consequences that his newfound wealth brought him and his involvement with old and new personalities that he kept on attracting for various reasons. Historical and noteworthy moments pepper his latest adventures and schemes.

Author Richard A. Noble has again skillfully portrayed the protagonist and his story using compelling subplots. Just like the first novel, he keeps it true by including significant and interesting facts with well-researched footnotes and photographs. A big part of the narrative’s charm is seeing the author use his skill in how these motley adventures lead Jack to maneuver his way through historical figures, events, and locations in both calculated and unexpected scenarios. With moderate to fast pacing, the author uses Jack’s point of view and lets his mythical aura evolve in an amusing and captivating style without disturbing the circumstances of a factual occurrence. Jack’s shrewd, reticent, profit-seeking attitude and occasional self-indulgence also make him an unforgettable character. King Cotton II: Kentucky Gold is a worthy and addictive read. Highly recommended for history buffs, fans of adventure and action stories, and readers who want incredible storytelling or an inventive relearning of historical facts.