Knife Edge

A Zee & Rico Mystery: Book One

Fiction - Mystery - Murder
326 Pages
Reviewed on 05/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Delene Vrey for Readers' Favorite

In Knife Edge, a murder mystery by Terri Maue, Zee Morani, author of a syndicated opinion column, wants to become a "serious" journalist. To do this, she has secured an interview with disgraced scientist Dr. Ian McNeary, but when she arrives at his office, she is met with a horrific sight. Dr. McNeary has been murdered! After she identifies a possible culprit and he subsequently implores her to solve the murder because he is innocent, Zee starts to investigate, gathering evidence, making dumb decisions, and landing herself in dangerous situations. She is supported by her best friend, Fontina, a holistic mystic who teaches yoga and believes in herbs, meditation, and intuition. Seeing herself as an investigative journalist, Zee does what she thinks is necessary, visiting the victim's father, his old friends, and colleagues and searching through old garbage dumpsters in search of the murder weapon. The problem is that Zee's intuition lands her in trouble and the emergency room!

Knife Edge is written with exquisite vocabulary, which underscores the main character's wit and talent as an opinion columnist. The author has taken pains to use circumstances and descriptions to support the main character and mirror her internal struggles in the background. The characters are well-rounded and authentic, making the reader feel part of the story. The town of Valerian is described with great detail and forms a rich backdrop to the plot, tying in with the theme of mysticism and pagan beliefs as reflected by Fontina and sustained throughout the narrative. The plot develops at a good pace, and the suspense and intrigue keep the reader on the edge of their seat to try to unravel the mystery. However, the twists and false leads keep the resolution hidden to the very end. Most refreshing is Zee, a character who needs to hold on to her individualism but learns to allow her friends to help her in times of need and keep them in the loop when she goes off on one of her hunches. Knife Edge is the first book in the Zee and Rico series and proves that Terri Maue has the recipe for staying power in the genre.