
Fiction - Drama
732 Pages
Reviewed on 06/08/2011
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Elizabeth M. for Readers' Favorite

Lazarus is a contemporary drama centering on the life of college students. The lead character is Lazarus Roman. The narrator is his cousin, Jude. We read Jude’s diary entries where he shares an honest report of the family. The setting moves from the Ozark Mountains in Missouri to New Orleans, pre- and post-hurricane Katrina. Lazarus is searching his heritage and genealogy.

I highly recommend this book! After I read the first chapter, I was hooked. In fact, I could not stop reading it. I was so involved that I did not realize I had read all night! The author slowly and temptingly feeds us the story of Lazarus. The author is very talented and did a superb job writing this book. I will mention that it needs a bit of editing. A plot of this quality needs and deserves a professional editor. I am so glad I read this book and will be watching for more books by this author.