Legacy of The Enchanted

A Coming of Age, Dark Fantasy Novel

Young Adult - Coming of Age
264 Pages
Reviewed on 09/29/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jennifer Donovan for Readers' Favorite

Legacy of the Enchanted by J.C. Brennan is a young adult coming-of-age fantasy filled with magic and mystery. After the death of her spirited and beloved grandmother, 15-year-old Becca discovers that she has inherited a castle in Scotland and that it was her grandmother’s wish that her family move into the castle straight away. Upon arriving, Becca discovers that she is descended from a line of powerful witches, and despite learning magic as a young child, her memories and magic were suppressed to keep her safe. Her magical ability will soon re-emerge, developing fully when she ascends on her sixteenth birthday and becomes the Enchanted. Becca must learn to wield and control her power quickly, for an evil entity named Hellina intends to destroy Becca and everyone she loves.

J.C. Brennan’s writing is atmospheric, seamlessly weaving ancestral magic into a modern setting. The novel builds at a moderate pace. The dialogue is fresh and lighthearted, although Becca’s style of speech matures as her magic blooms and she grows to accept her role as the lady of the castle. Legacy of the Enchanted could easily be expanded into a series. I would love to see Becca face future conflicts with her magical abilities fully blossomed, as well as learn more about the mythical creatures that live near the castle. In all, Legacy of the Enchanted is a charming story, and I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys fantasy and Scottish folklore.