Lilly-Puss and Pharaoh

Where Are Home, Family, And Truth?

Children - Animals
134 Pages
Reviewed on 05/30/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jennie More for Readers' Favorite

Lilly-Puss and Pharaoh: Where Are Home, Family, And Truth? by Natasha Blazic is the story of two cats who become best friends after sharing a box and their simultaneous adoption by their human servants. Pharaoh, who is sweet, thoughtful, and chubby, shares his new home with feisty, naughty, and athletic Lilly-Puss. Though their personalities are worlds apart, they rub off only the best of themselves on each other. Lilly-Puss teaches Pharaoh to believe in himself and exercise more, while Pharaoh teaches Lilly-Puss to be considerate to others and to moderate her emotions. Together, they go on an adventure in search of Pharaoh’s Mommy and sister, Velvet, using Pharaoh’s telepathic abilities and through the support of their family, including the human servants and Dog.

Lilly-Puss and Pharaoh: Where Are Home, Family, And Truth? by Natasha Blazic is a heartwarming, delightful, and beautifully written children’s storybook about friendship, family, and becoming the best version of oneself. Blazic does an incredible job of crafting the characters of Lilly-Puss and Pharaoh; their personalities are clearly defined, relatable, and consistent throughout. Though a children’s story, the narrative and the characters are captivating and entertaining, even to an adult reader. Life lessons about personal development and building positive relationships feature prominently, which are lessons people of all ages can appreciate. The narrative with talking animals can also be appealing to adults as well as children. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book; it is well-conceived and written, and the attention to detail in the storyline is apparent because it flows effortlessly.