Lily's Payback

Fiction - Thriller - General
330 Pages
Reviewed on 06/20/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alma Boucher for Readers' Favorite

In Lily's Payback, a thriller by Andy Rose, while researching potential cheap fuel alternatives that could be commercially viable, Lily Ferguson's twin brother, Kyle Ferguson, was murdered. Lily touched Kyle's casket during his funeral and swore to her Scottish ancestors that she would get revenge. Lily met Bobby, Daniel, and Mimi, her fellow teachers at a school in New York City. The four were romantically involved and helped Lily through her loss. The man who killed Kyle was Russia's legendary figure, Zokov. After his mother was murdered, Zokov was left an orphan and had to fend for himself on the streets of Moscow. Bobby suggested that they ask his uncle for help when the police were unable to find the killer. Bobby's uncle knew what was happening in New York City's streets.

Lily’s Payback by Andy Rose is filled with drama, romance, mystery, and excitement. I found the descriptions of the various city areas interesting, and I had no trouble visualizing the places described in the story. It was an action-packed thriller that had me on the edge of my seat. The characters had considerably more depth, and their history played a significant role in who they were; they were not your usual villain and heroine type. In addition to their dedication to the teaching profession, the teachers in this story were also heroes outside the classroom. There were frequent descriptions of Zokov's past, and I better understood where he came from. Loyalty, bravery, and mystery were all skillfully combined in this well-written tale.