
The Poplar Bend Mysteries Book 1

Romance - Historical
357 Pages
Reviewed on 10/06/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Constance Stadler for Readers' Favorite

Lineage by Nancy Swenson falls within the genre of supernatural mysteries, but the nuances of an interweave that spans generations are exceptional. Alexis had missed out on plum assignments and a love life characterized by broken promises, making her opt for a life change—the renovation of the surprising inheritance of a family estate. Why she was the beneficiary is as engaging a question as understanding the questionable emergence of a restless specter. After being rescued from European ruins at the end of WWI, the story of Sabine, a young French orphan, begins when she becomes the ward of Alexis’ ancestors living in the manor. What Sabine represents to each family member, revealed in part through encoded messages and a distinctive family photograph, further impels immersion. Discerning the identity of a nanny whose knowledge exceeds her role becomes a core pursuit in Alexis' efforts to link past and present.

In melding distinct storylines, the flow is compelling, making Lineage readable in one sitting. Character development is particularly notable, a factor less common in similar works. Whether irate when her former boyfriend could not appreciate what meant the most to her, assessing whether she can trust the appeal of her attractive project partner, committing herself to a massive undertaking without a shred of knowledge about architecture, or mulling over favorite pizza toppings, the reader feels they know Alexis. Sabine's portrait is beautifully layered. The initial confusion of an uprooted child gives way to the cautious kindness needed in an unstable setting. The variance in what she comes to mean to each guardian drives increasing suspense. Holding fast to the promises of a love affair enhances a multifaceted portrait. With pregnancy, ominous secrets multiply as reactions encompass a wide gamut. Character familiarity and exceptional writing anchor the quality of the narrative as the reader remains on edge for the next plot twist. Nancy Swenson has written a book that merits the readership of those who appreciate the best in contemporary fiction.