Little Green Man

Young Adult - Sci-Fi
436 Pages
Reviewed on 04/26/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Foluso Falaye for Readers' Favorite

Birdie Buckley has seen enough photos of floating orbs and weird shooting stars to believe that there's UFO activity in the mountains. She keeps her secrets to herself but dares to tell the new guy in her space class about it, who expresses interest in going to "the spot." Thus begins the hunt for aliens. However, Birdie doesn't have a vibrant social life, and her extraterrestrial hobby is not exactly great for her reputation. As she faces the discomfort of public scrutiny, Birdie must come to terms with the inevitable consequences of her extraterrestrial quest. Shanti Hershenson's Little Green Man is a spellbinding tale about a girl on a dangerous mission to find aliens. From being stranded on the road to embarking on a daring trip and facing life-threatening dangers, Birdie's hunt for aliens leads her on a path of perilous and compelling adventure.

The intriguing alien clues and snippets are designed to spark your curiosity and compel you to search for answers. While reading, I was very eager to find out if aliens truly existed and why some characters seemed quite mysterious. Birdie is the chatty protagonist you can't help but like and root for. I was drawn to her introspective first-person viewpoint and the adorable traits that make her appear real, such as her need to play music to keep her awake on a two-hour drive. Prepare for a captivating portrayal of bullying, rivalry, slander, and other dramatic high school themes. Ultimately, the gripping suspense and compelling characters will keep you turning the pages excitedly throughout. Author Shanti Hershenson is skilled enough to rank among the top veteran authors, which is proven by the phenomenal storytelling in Little Green Man.

Liz Konkel

Little Green Man by Shanti Hershenson is a delightful mystery that searches for the truth about aliens in a small town. Birdie isn’t like anyone else in her community. Ever since she was a child, she believed in aliens and used working for a park ranger as a way to find evidence. She has yet to succeed but she refuses to give up and one night she sees a mysterious light. The discovery makes her more determined than ever to find proof and perhaps even makes her a little reckless. But with the help of Sol, a newcomer in town, Birdie stumbles upon a shocking history and the discovery of a mysterious observatory on the edge of town. But as she nears the truth, will it be everything she ever hoped for or something she should fear?

Birdie’s sighting gives the story instant excitement and is a clever way to set up the suspense. Her perspective helps to establish an upbeat tone that makes the story engaging with a steady charm from beginning to end. The small town backdrop adds the right touch of eeriness and offers suspense in the strange observatory that potentially has answers. Clues are evenly spread out and everything ties together nicely by the end. The most significant relationship Birdie has is with Sol who shares her interests and serves as her partner in crime with the ideal amount of chemistry. Their dynamic is an essential part of the investigation as Birdie finally has someone with whom she can share her dreams and theories. Their understanding is a nice catalyst for the sleuthing that transpires, making all the twists and turns fun. His character is important as he contrasts with the others who simply want her to be normal. The format includes mountain reports, police reports, voicemail transcripts, and abduction reports in between various moments. Each one adds to the mystery by highlighting a key element and taking you into Birdie’s investigation. Little Green Man by Shanti Hershenson blends science fiction elements with mystery, suspense, charm, and discovery.

K.C. Finn

Little Green Man is a work of fiction in the science fiction, action, and adventure genres for the young adult reading audience. Penned by author Shanti Hershenson, the plot follows seventeen-year-old Birdie Buckley, an alien enthusiast from the small town of Mount Pifork, Colorado, where she embarks on a quest to prove the existence of extraterrestrial life amidst a stifling community. Birdie's search takes a dramatic turn when she captures compelling evidence of aliens, setting off a journey filled with harrowing questions and unexpected revelations, especially when she teams up with Sol, a mysterious new boy who shares her interests. As they delve into bizarre occurrences and hidden histories, Birdie's investigation challenges her perceptions and uncovers truths that could change everything.

Author Shanti Hershenson has crafted an enthralling journey into the world of alien enthusiasts and high school intrigue that offers a varied and layered blend of mystery, science fiction, and coming-of-age themes. I found the character development to be a real standout feature in this work, which perfectly suits its YA readership as they can get involved with Birdie and the ups and downs of her life. Her relentless pursuit of truth, coupled with the dynamic relationship she forms with Sol, kept me engaged throughout the narrative, and the command of realistic teen dialogue gave the novel an authentic and youthful voice. The exploration of small-town dynamics is described well with vividly drawn background characters. When this is juxtaposed against the quest for extraterrestrial evidence, there’s a whimsical and enjoyable offbeat attitude that makes it feel both relatable and fantastical. Overall, Little Green Man offers a fresh perspective on the high school experience while delving into the mysteries of the universe, making it a must-read for fans of science fiction and teen adventure novels everywhere.

Pikasho Deka

In Little Green Man, a young adult science fiction novel by Shanti Hershenson, all her life, Birdie Buckley has been obsessed with science-fiction stories and anything to do with aliens. Now seventeen years old, Birdie is convinced that her hometown, Mount Pifork, Colorado, is being visited by aliens. While trying to show the new student, Sol, the town, Birdie stumbles upon a mysterious observatory hidden by a new cluster of trees past the Pifork Lake preserve. As the teens investigate further, they inadvertently uncover a deeper conspiracy that gets them in trouble with the local authorities. When Birdie and Sol finally make their way to the observatory, Birdie realizes that everything she believes in might actually be true. But when she gets closer to unveiling the mystery, a shocking reveal will pull the rug out from under her feet.

Soaked in suspense, mystery, and intrigue, Little Green Man is an enrapturing sci-fi odyssey you won't want to end. With an intricately crafted plot and a compelling cast of characters, author Shanti Hershenson spins a fascinating yarn that hooks you in more the further you read. The setting of the town of Mount Pifork feels lived-in, and, complemented by Hershenson's absorbing narrative, the story becomes even more immersive for the reader. The characters act and talk like real-life teenagers, which young adult readers will be able to relate to. Birdie is someone you want to root for. She never lets bullies or societal expectations hinder her from seeking the truth. I really enjoyed her friendships with Sol and Maddie and her caring relationship dynamic with her mother. I honestly didn't see the big twist coming toward the end. Overall, this is a fantastic science fiction novel. I'm looking forward to reading the sequel!

Manik Chaturmutha

Little Green Man by Shanti Hershenson follows Birdie Buckley, a young girl in Mount Pifork, Colorado, determined to prove the existence of extraterrestrial life. When she meets Sol, a new student who is equally fascinated by celestial mysteries, they set out to discover the truth. As they investigate a mysterious observatory and encounter strange phenomena, Birdie's quest for proof leads her to discover a secret that could change everything. The story offers intrigue and suspense as Birdie and Sol confront government secrecy and attempt to save an alien creature. Through Birdie's journey, Hershenson encourages us to think about how much we can learn and achieve, highlighting the importance of being curious and robust when facing difficulties.

The story takes place in a small town, which adds a cozy feel to the setting. The tone is a mix of curiosity and suspense. The pace varies, with moments of heightened excitement, yet it also offers quieter, reflective intervals, adding depth and enabling readers to form stronger connections with the characters. The characters are elaborately crafted, particularly Birdie, whose curiosity about aliens drives the narrative forward. Sol is depicted as empathetic and understanding. Other characters all play roles as the story unfolds, giving more layers to Birdie's relationships and challenges. The writing style is clear and straightforward and makes it easy to imagine what's happening in the story. The companionship and support between Sol and Birdie are essential elements of the story's emotional core. They are shown as each other's support system, giving them the strength to tackle tough times with bravery. The plot twist adds complexity and intrigue by taking it in an unexpected direction. This revelation leaves readers eager to see how the characters will react. Little Green Man is a compelling tale of resilience, friendship, and the unyielding pursuit of truth. Shanti Hershenson's masterful storytelling and thought-provoking exploration of belief make it a standout novel in its genre. Little Green Man offers a captivating journey of discovery that will resonate with readers and is recommended to all ages.