Love Among the Recipes

Fiction - Womens
346 Pages
Reviewed on 06/06/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Nino Lobiladze for Readers' Favorite

Love Among the Recipes by Carol M. Cram will appeal to fans of women's fiction, romance, and drama. When Genna McGraw's marriage falls apart, she leaves Vancouver for Paris, planning to write a cookbook with recipes for bistro dishes. Genna seeks inspiration while sightseeing; almost every famous place in Paris has a corresponding recipe in her book. Genna meets new friends in Paris. Marsha Renfrew from Genna's French class deals with personal problems. Genna sympathizes with Marsha and takes another classmate, shy Tessa, under her wing. A mother of two grown-up children, Genna suddenly attracts the attention of two irresistible admirers. But her financial situation becomes unstable so she must make a difficult decision, urged by her strict daughter, Becky.

Carol M. Cram's Love Among the Recipes is a witty, character-driven story with unpredictable twists and turns. Genna has a keen eye for details and often makes humorous observations. She is creative, outgoing, and generous. Genna's kindness to her elderly landlord, Monsieur Leblanc, is very touching. Bill Turner, Genna's friend from Australia, is an intriguing character to study. He is multilayered and never ceases to surprise us. I appreciated the stirring scene with Bill and Genna visiting Sainte-Chapelle. Carol offers vivid descriptions of Paris and its many sights. The author has a clear writing style and shares thought-provoking reflections like: "That’s the thing with clichés: they often turned out to be true." The novel includes engaging elements of family issues, enthralling intrigue, and a touch of mystery. Also, this book is a must-read for those who love French cuisine and want to visit the most romantic city on Earth.