The Love Bombers

Fiction - Thriller - Psychological
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 05/28/2024
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Author Biography

Essentilly, I'm a memoir writer trying to understand the world through words. It began with chart noting; making chart notes about massage clients. The notes became a book about paying attention. In the end human beings are extraordinary and unfathomable. I'm writing fables for myself I guess. I'm a fabulist. I had fun writing this book, but the experience written about became tortuous. This book of words is humiliating. To be love bombed is to be humiliated. This book is me trying to rescue myself from further humiliation. It's a rescue text.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Natalie Soine for Readers' Favorite

The Love Bombers by Tom Ruffles is a compelling work of literary fiction that unfolds in the picturesque setting of Sarasota. Tom's life takes an unexpected turn when he is invited to Sarasota by his friend Fannie, a complex and charismatic woman entangled in a tumultuous relationship with the enigmatic Jack. Fannie's vivacious and unpredictable nature, attributed to her borderline personality disorder, makes her both captivating and challenging. As Tom navigates the depths of Fannie's chaotic world, he becomes entangled in her life. This novel delves into the nuances of Cluster B personality disorders, offering an exploration of abuse and emotional turbulence that often remains hidden until it reaches a breaking point. Tom's complicated relationship with Fannie, marked by moments of exhibitionism and emotional intensity, ultimately leads to an ending. The Love Bombers is a poignant and thought-provoking tale that delves into the complexities of human relationships and the enduring scars of past trauma.

Tom Ruffles' writing style is engaging, with vivid descriptions that clearly depict the scenes and characters. Their interactions provide an insightful and often humorous commentary on love, relationships, and human nature. As the narrative progresses, readers are drawn into Tom's musings and dilemmas about pursuing a romantic connection with Fannie, who is already in a complicated relationship. Ruffles skillfully explores themes of love, longing, and the moral complexities of romantic entanglements. The Love Bombers is a thought-provoking read that leaves readers contemplating the nature of love and our choices in pursuing happiness. Tom Ruffles' storytelling is both entertaining and reflective, making this novella a memorable and enjoyable literary experience.