
In the Forests of the Mind

Fiction - Dystopia
410 Pages
Reviewed on 07/09/2023
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Author Biography

In a past life, Todd David Gross had an extensive background in music and was a member of such rock groups as The Burning Sensations, The Band Next Door and The Shout! He performed primarily on bass, sometime keys, sang, wrote songs, hauled equipment and performed in downtown clubs (usually after 2am on a work night), hauled equipment back, and sometimes saw the sunrise.

Along the way he discovered esoteric literature and for decades has been a student of philosophical and psychological studies, embracing both Eastern and Western traditions.

Eventually he traded one keyboard for another and wrote several plays including The Visit, Life In The Park, and Sense Memory, all of which were performed in New York City. Them Within Us ran Off-Broadway at Theater Row Theater, (alas, now Theater Row Diner), and was published by Broadway Play Publishing.

Thereafter, he set about writing Loy, which has grown into this series, his most extensive achievement to date.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Miche Arendse for Readers' Favorite

Loy: In the Forests of the Mind by Todd David Gross follows the story of the Rehloy, people who have evolved in such a way that they are finely in tune with nature. Born blind, they rely on their other senses until puberty. All is well until a group arrives with weapons and machines, unlike anything the Rehloy have experienced before. They will have to fight change as these intruders begin desecrating the lands to build their cities.

Loy: In the Forests of the Mind by Todd David Gross is a wonderful and enjoyable book that sometimes reminded me of the movie Avatar. However, there were very few similarities. Gross did an amazing job with the world-building for this tale, from the scenery to the history of the Rehloy. Every detail of this story was well thought out and interwoven into a brilliant fantasy epic. The characters were unique, each with their distinct personality and purpose within the story. I particularly found myself drawn to Reena; her perspective always seemed insightful and calm, and she remained strong-willed despite everything. I feel as though she perfectly represented what the Rehloy people were meant to stand for. Overall, this is a beautiful and engaging story with rich lore, captivating themes, and relatable characters wrapped up in an epic tale that will have you hanging off every page. Any fan of fantasy novels would love this book.