Many Mansions

Fiction - Drama
349 Pages
Reviewed on 07/25/2024
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Author Biography

Hello everyone,

As you may know, I'm Alexis Soleil and I've written three published books. MANY MANSIONS, being one of them. The book is about Moses and Isaac, fraternal twins, who took separate paths due to their broken brotherly bond. I wrote the book because I once wanted to enter real estate, but things didn't work out. I loved seeing houses especially luxury homes in magazines, on TV, in Movies, and right in the flesh. So, I decided to write a story about a real estate mogul. And that's how I came up with the story. I hope you guys will purchase the book. And I love to hear your reviews and comments. Happy reading. God bless.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Alma Boucher for Readers' Favorite

Many Mansions by Alexis Soleil tells the story of Moses and Isaac Remington, fraternal twins. Moses and Isaac were both passionate about real estate and committed to launching a real estate company when they grew up. Despite Isaac facing special challenges due to his albinism at birth, Moses consistently stood up for and encouraged Isaac. Their stepfather frequently mistreated Isaac, while Moses was their mother's favorite, and Isaac was torn apart with jealousy. Isaac began to suffer from Moses's popularity and friendships, and their relationship gradually deteriorated. Isaac moved out of their home because he felt abandoned and unwanted. Following a string of unfortunate events, Isaac's life tragically turned upside down, and he found himself homeless and living on the streets of New York.

Many Mansions by Alexis Soleil is about Moses' and Isaac's emotional journeys from their early dream of starting a real estate company to growing up apart. The plot was intriguing and complex, and I was hooked from the beginning until the end. The themes of trauma, domestic abuse, and neglect were addressed with extreme caution. The characters were well developed and changed throughout the story. Isaac's albinism had a significant impact on his family and himself, as well as his identity. Moses allowed his popularity to change his attitude toward Isaac and break their bond. It was a beautifully written story that will stay with me for a while. I realized once again that some people look down on the less fortunate instead of reaching out to help.

Richard Prause

Many Mansions by Alexis Soleil is an astounding drama that depicts the emotional tale of twin brothers--Moses and Isaac. As children, Moses and Isaac were very close. They shared a passion for business and promised to establish a successful real estate company as adults. Their home life, however, was one filled with dysfunction, domestic violence, child abuse, and parental neglect. Isaac's albinism often meant that their step-father and mother would view and treat Moses like the perfect son--and both boys knew it. Without warning, their knitted family life ended. Both brothers lost touch with each other but were able to reconnect as adults years later. By then, Moses was a successful real estate tycoon, and Isaac was homeless and living in squalor. Will this reconnection help them to heal and find closure, or will it push them apart for good?

Many Mansions is compelling, stimulating, and well-written. The storyline flows consistently between past and present events. Alexis Soleil is a very descriptive writer. Through her expressive writing, no stone is left unturned. Readers will be able to form deep connections with both Moses and Isaac. I loved reading about the startling contrast between Moses' and Isaac's upbringing, which reflects Moses' luxurious lifestyle in contrast to Isaac’s impoverished existence as an adult. This book does a terrific job of exposing the dangers of child abuse, parental favoritism, family violence, and destructive societal perceptions. I won't reveal any more surprises, but you will want to read Many Mansions. It has a powerful ending. Overall, this novel best suits readers who enjoy books about family relationships, resilience, and personal challenges.

Keith Mbuya

For as long as Isaac could remember, he was the least loved of the two kids in the Remington household. Born two minutes apart from his twin brother Moses, Isaac was nothing like him. Isaac was not only an albino but also seemed weak and slow in school. Moses had fought many battles for him, standing up for him against bullies in school and their abusive stepfather back home. The boys shared a strong bond and planned to become the biggest realtors in New York. However, when the Remington couple buys Moses a massive graduation gift, showing their love for him and leaving Isaac to his misery, Isaac can take no more from his family. Isaac leaves home for good after a huge altercation between his stepfather and his brother. What does the future have in store for both the boys? Find out in Alexis Soleil’s Many Mansions.

Lovers of realistic and drama fiction will find Alexis Soleil’s Many Mansions an enthralling read. Whisking me away from reality with vivid depictions, Soleil gave me a glimpse into the world of a child living with albinism and coming from a dysfunctional family. I was hurled into a world of domestic violence, child abuse, family feuds, drama, and so much more. Soleil’s depictions of the characters' emotions and the juxtaposing of their complex traits allowed me to connect with them, experience, and understand their struggles. Some of the details of abuse and open displays of child favoritism are heart-wrenching. This story shines a light on the sensitive subjects of childhood trauma and domestic abuse, uniquely depicting how they slowly eat away at the victims’ souls.

Asher Syed

In Many Mansions by Alexis Soleil, Moses Remington, a prosperous real estate magnate, reconnects with his estranged twin brother, Isaac, who lives in New York's subway tunnels. Their once strong bond, founded on dreams of a shared real estate empire, broke down due to familial conflicts and youthful disagreements. The rift widened when Moses received a car at graduation while Isaac did not, leading to a physical fight and Isaac's departure. Moses went on to build a successful real estate career, always wondering about Isaac's fate. Their paths crossed again unexpectedly at a supermarket, where Moses learned of Isaac's hardships. Despite initial tension, they reconciled upon discovering their stepfather's manipulations. Together, they work toward realizing their childhood ambitions: helping those in need, the way Isaac was in need.

Many Mansions by Alexis Soleil highlights the importance of family and community support but allows readers to come to it with Moses and Isaac in a full-circle story founded on Christian principles. Albinism is a completely new territory for me and, as a person of color, it was heartbreaking to me in terms of imagining what being an ultra-minority within a minority would be like. Soleil lifts some of the story's darkest moments with hope, even when the characters are afraid to trust it. There is a scene where a man named Bob, despite his own hardships, offers light in Isaac’s bleak new reality. This is one of many where Soleil beautifully emphasizes that no matter how dire the situation, faith and compassion can lead to positive change and renewed hope. This is a well-written story with emotional depth and is a real pleasure to read.