Max & Charlotte Learn Compassion

Max & Charlotte Series Book 1

Children - Picture Book
26 Pages
Reviewed on 10/05/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Maria Victoria Beltran for Readers' Favorite

Max & Charlotte Learn Compassion is the first in a children's picture book series written by Omar Rezec. While playing with a ball in their yard, Max and his little sister Charlotte find a small dog. Max has always wanted a dog and he and his sister are excited about keeping the dog whose name, according to its collar, is Buster. They ask their mother if they can keep Buster. They are allowed to keep him for the night but their mother said they will try to locate Buster's owner the next day. Their mother explained that he might have a microchip in his collar that would lead them to his owner. Hoping secretly that Buster doesn't have a microchip, Charlotte and Max played with Buster the whole day and fed him well. Can Max and Charlotte keep the lovable little dog or will they find his owner?

Omar Rezec's Max & Charlotte Learn Compassion is designed to teach young readers about empathy and the ability to make a hard decision because it is the right thing to do. Written in simple language that is easy to understand, the story is interesting enough to capture a child's imagination. The illustrations complement and enhance the text, setting the story's tone. This book is also a perfect tool to teach children about empathy and self-sacrifice without preaching or judging. The story is told in a clear and simple voice so that older kids should be able to read it aloud to younger ones. This is a touching story intended to inspire and inform. At the same time, it also entertains.