Mind Out of Time

A Different Perspective and Positive Reflections for Dementia Care

Non-Fiction - Grief/Hardship
152 Pages
Reviewed on 09/23/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers' Favorite

Mind Out of Time is a different, positive approach to dementia care by Jeanne E McElvaney. The author's husband, Jim, developed dementia, but McElvaney decided to look at the disease with a spiritual, physics-based mindset, veering away from Western medicine. Journaling her experiences, McElvaney details her husband's cognitive shift and the moments they share, using descriptions of his energy to explain the transition. She provides affirmations and raw details that caregivers will understand as they move through changes with their loved ones. Within these pages, McElvaney reveals moments she may not have shared with her husband if her point of view had been tied to a strictly earthly outlook. This book could offer a new perspective for people caring for their loved ones, as she details the love, support, and challenges of daily life.

Jeanne E McElvaney's harmonious and heartfelt words describe her feelings and experiences in a new light. Readers see McElvaney's earthbound hardships but also view her rich spiritual notations. She journeys with her husband, making his transition more fluid. The process is usually seen as scary, but the author embraces it with acceptance and a love that transcends physical observations. Her calm reflections convey hope, but she isn't afraid to show the reality of the situation, too. As earthly creatures, we are tied to our bodies, and intense feelings still emerge. The author has a strong spirit, and it enabled her to meet challenges in a way that may surprise readers. If ever I develop aphasia, I hope someone I love will share the experience with me, like McElvaney did with her husband, guiding me with encouragement instead of fear and disappointment. Mind Out of Time may offer readers who are starting or continuing their role as caregivers hope as they continue to form connections with their loved ones with dementia.