Mirror Image

Book One in the Saffron and Locke Saga

Fiction - Horror
152 Pages
Reviewed on 06/05/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Demetria Head for Readers' Favorite

Mirror Image by Rachel E. Croxton is a chilling opening to the Saffron and Locke Saga series, blending family drama with supernatural horror. The story revolves around Saffron and Locke, a divorced couple estranged for five years, during which Saffron has been separated from their seven children. An unexpected invitation from Locke to his manor in Portland, Oregon, presents an opportunity for reconciliation and for Saffron to reunite with her children. However, as Saffron and Locke attempt to mend their fractured relationship, they encounter a mysterious and malevolent force that threatens to destroy their family once more. As ancient evils resurface, the couple must band together to protect their children and confront the sinister presence that haunts them.

Rachel E. Croxton skillfully weaves a narrative that is as emotionally resonant as it is terrifying. The plot is a finely tuned balance of personal turmoil and supernatural horror, ensuring a constant tension that grips the reader from beginning to end. The portrayals of Saffron and Locke are both nuanced and empathetic, drawing readers into their struggles and rooting for their reconciliation amidst the chaos. The children, with their varied personalities and vulnerabilities, add another layer of depth to the story. Fans of horror will appreciate the author's ability to intertwine real-life fears with supernatural elements, creating an atmosphere of dread that lingers long after the final page. Mirror Image is a very quick and easy read, making it accessible and engaging for readers looking for a captivating yet concise horror experience. This compelling and haunting book promises to captivate fans of the genre and set the stage for an intriguing series.