Mister Moonfeld's Colors of Wonder

Children - Picture Book
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 05/23/2024
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Author Biography

As the Mystic Horticulturist of Turtle Island Elementary, my typical duties include beautifying the school grounds with plants from this planet and others. Oh yes, I also cast magic in meaningful ways. Our dear Principal Grace Sensible has given me the honor of helping students with their puzzling problems, even though things do not always go as planned. But never mind that; these are my chronicles, and I hope you enjoy them!

    Book Review

Reviewed by Bernadette Longu for Readers' Favorite

Mister Moonfeld’s Colors of Wonder is written by Mister Moonfeld with illustrations by Natalya Efremova. The author has taken the use of color in our everyday lives and turned it into a delightful story for children. In its simplicity, the story helps children realize that they can be whoever they want to be. Mister Moonfeld and Grace Sensible are the two main characters. They take the young reader on a short but colorful journey through the book, showing youngsters how it is important to be yourself by demonstrating how important color is to the world.

In Mister Moonfeld’s Colors of Wonder, the author brings to light how children must feel when they are expected to be anyone else but who they are. The main characters, along with a puppy, Sunny, roam through the book looking for objects that will return the world to a state of gray, but the characters realize that there is more to life than trying to be someone you are not. The young reader will find delight in the beautiful illustrations and how these tell a story all of their own. The illustrations are amazing and full of color and fun. The book will help not only the reader but all children realize that each person is different and that there is nothing wrong with being different. It would be fun if we could just accept each other. This is a delightful children’s book and explains in the most interesting way how to be just you and nobody else. Thank you for this delightful book of magic and I love the way it ends most delightfully. I enjoyed this book and will enjoy reading it again at storytime.