Mommy Has a Monster on Her Back!

A Story About Chronic Illness

Children - Picture Book
31 Pages
Reviewed on 08/31/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Vernita Naylor for Readers' Favorite

In earlier years, when families dealt with many health conditions or other challenges, children were always left in the dark, wondering what was happening. As children witness these actions, if they are not given the love and support from their loved ones some internalize their environment and begin to express emotions of feeling unloved or responsible. Today, children are still faced with the same challenges but parents, adults, and loved ones are discovering ways to educate, help, and provide support to youngsters. In Mommy Has a Monster on Her Back! A Story About Chronic Illness by Liz Long, the author was diagnosed with trigeminal neuropathy (TNO). She created this beautiful picture book to help explain to her son, easily and simply, what she is experiencing. She hopes that this book will be an asset to those who are also looking for ways to explain the same thing to the children in their lives.

Liz Long provides an ideal way for her son to understand on his terms what is occurring within his mother’s body. The author’s explanation of her high and low emotions on any given day, while living with TNO and its impact on her nervous system, provides her son with ways to assist her during her most challenging times. I see Mommy Has a Monster on Her Back! as a necessary tool for children who are living with loved ones experiencing not only chronic pain but also addiction or mental illness. This book will teach children that there are going to be good and bad days and that these are the optimal times for expressing their feelings as well.