Mona Lisa's Daughter

A Gripping and Gut-Wrenching Historical Novel about World War II from the Author of the Last Daughter

Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
460 Pages
Reviewed on 05/25/2024
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Author Biography

Belle Ami writes breathtaking historical fiction, captivating historical romance, and gripping romantic thrillers. Creating unforgettable characters and crafting complex stories, Belle’s writing reflects the redemptive power of love and the strength of the human spirit. Her series and stand-alone novels have won numerous awards and achieved bestseller status.

My great love of the Renaissance period and my fascination with Leonardo da Vinci is my inspiration. My mother is a Holocaust survivor and my devotion to exposing readers to stories from WWII is my mission.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Saifunnissa Hassam for Readers' Favorite

Belle Ami’s Mona Lisa's Daughter is a well-researched and well-crafted story of art, romance, suspense, and the stark reality of war. The story is set in Italy, in two timelines; the 16th-century Renaissance and the 20th century, including World War II. In 1925 after a terrifying experience, 15-year-old Valentina Amato of Fiesole finds sanctuary in the Santa Maria del Carmina Convent in Florence. She becomes a nun, Suor Gianna. With her love of learning and books, she becomes a librarian under the mentorship of Suor Maria Vittoria. Valentina is entrusted with deciphering and making handwritten and typed copies of treasured and precious letters from the 16th century. The letters are the personal correspondence between the genius and artist Leonardo de Vinci and Lisa del Giocondo, the wife of a wealthy silk merchant. The correspondence lasted about 20 years, beginning in 1503 when Leonardo was commissioned to create Lisa’s portrait. Valentina continues the transcription of the letters in WWII as Italy joins Germany to fight the Allies. 

Compelling and immersive, I thoroughly enjoyed Belle Ami’s Mona Lisa's Daughter with its unforgettable characters and complex plotlines. I loved the worldbuilding of both centuries, 16th-century Renaissance Florence and 20th-century Florence from about the 1920s to the end of WWII. The artwork and graphics evoked beautifully the two periods: the young nun  Valentina in the 20th century, Florence in WWII, and the Renaissance painting of Mona Lisa. The character development was outstanding, particularly that of Leonardo de Vinci and Lisa del Giocondo. I liked how the (fictitious) letters expressed the growing bond of love and affection between the artist and the muse and their discovery that they are kindred spirits. The settings of their everyday lives and Leonardo's other art commissions added great depth to the story. Equally, I liked Valentina’s character development, her courage, and her determination to face the daunting challenges in her life, beginning from the time she became a nun through the terror of WWII when the nuns provided sanctuary to Italian Jews facing persecution. I loved Mona Lisa's Daughter for its intriguing and poignant story of Leonardo and Lisa, and the profoundly moving story of Valentina, the nun and guardian of the treasured letters. A haunting tale of love, sacrifice, and hope.