Mr. Average and the 12th Stone

Watch your Mandibles

Fiction - Fantasy - General
290 Pages
Reviewed on 10/08/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Mr. Average and the 12th Stone: Watch your Mandibles by Ben Run is a fantasy novel set in the dystopian world of Ant Nest, where an ordinary ant named Ave lives a monotonous life. His role in society involves operating a mind optimization stall and striving to meet the needs of the machine-like society governed by priests. When tasked with pushing a ceremonial button, Ave unwittingly becomes the key to saving his world from destruction by the evil queen. However, Ave’s internal struggles and secret love threaten to derail his mission, creating a gripping story of duty and desire. Run introduces readers to a detailed and vivid underground society, immersing them in a dystopian world that feels suitably claustrophobic for the tone of this tense drama.

As the endearing and unwitting protagonist, Ave is at his most relatable when he’s caught between duty and personal desire in challenging and emotive situations. Ben Run masterfully portrays his internal conflict and the battle to understand such sudden change and opportunity around him, making readers sympathize with Ave's plight through insightful close narration and dialogue-driven moments that let readers see between the lines. The novel also explores deep questions about free will, individual agency, and the cost of conforming. The way Run unpacks these themes gently and makes them a natural part of Ave’s journey offers a powerful philosophical undertone that every good dystopian novel needs to give a poignant impact. Overall, Mr. Average and the 12th Stone: Watch Your Mandibles is a high-quality read that delivers everything it promises, and I’d certainly recommend it to fantasy and dystopia fans.

Eric Ferrar

Mr. Average and the 12th Stone by Ben Run is a unique dystopian story that unfolds in a mechanical Ant Nest. The protagonist is Ave, an ant with surprising personal qualities. He is a resilient ant pushed on the pathway to truth and self-discovery. By tradition, Ave has been groomed to avoid conflict. Like every other ant in the Ant Nest, he knows his place in the grander scheme of things. Quite unexpectedly, however, Ave faces an incredible decision. He is chosen (by a priest) to push a button at the colony's 12th-anniversary ceremony. This event propels him into an unforgettable journey. Little does Ave know that the future of the Ant Nest rests on his shoulders. A diabolical queen is desperate to destroy his home, but Ave may very well be its savior. He is divided between his sense of civic duty and following his heart. Will Ave save his beloved home? Or will he choose love instead? The suspense alone will entice you to read this fascinating book.

Mr. Average and the 12th Stone is engaging, creative, and hilarious--all at the same time. Ben Run has a sharp sense of humor that complements his philosophical approach. His novel is full of satirical meaning and will leave a profound impression on its readers. The main message behind this thought-provoking book is that we--as individuals--should never unquestioningly give in to every social demand that presents itself to us. Instead, we should critically analyze situations before we jump to conclusions or actions. The author uses Ave's intriguing story to teach readers that it is crucial to ask questions, think outside the box, be courageous in the face of adversity, and follow your intuition. Watching Ave navigate every obstacle that stood in his way of happiness makes this book a fulfilling and captivating read from beginning to end. Readers who enjoy intellectually stimulating and witty novels will fall in love with Ave the average ant.

P. Rosenthal

The ants go marching one by one . . . In Mr. Average and the 12th Stone: Watch Your Mandibles, Ben Run weaves a story around the familiar social structure of a common ant colony where ants have specialized roles. But that is where the familiarity ends. The story takes a unique turn as it delves into the society of ants existing in the Ant Nest beneath the Earth’s surface. The most average ant among them is Ave. He faces a dilemma. Due to his averageness, he is tasked with pushing a button to open the Ant Nest's 12th Anniversary ceremonies. However, Ave would much rather meet the ant of his desires for the first time. Which will he choose? Surely, he will “submit [his] urge force to the greater, common purpose.” Or will Ave dare to do the extraordinary?

Mr. Average and the 12th Stone: Watch Your Mandibles by Ben Run is a mind-bending read. It is filled with tension, suspense, and a cliffhanger ending. Just when the main character, Ave, is about to achieve his goal, his efforts are thwarted. Run has created a unique satirical commentary on the dangers of forced conformity. The story is filled with themes of obsession, hope, and perseverance. To enhance the alternate reality of the story, Run infuses the scenes with vivid imagery. Explanatory details in the form of footnotes are thoughtfully included throughout the book. Adult readers who enjoy dystopian fiction with a dose of social commentary will not want to miss Mr. Average and the 12th Stone: Watch Your Mandibles.

Essien Asian

The agreement between the Great Shepherd of Ant Nest and the Dark Queen is that he presents a tribute of 12 ants as an annual sacrifice in exchange for each stone she gives him. Over time, the formerly gullible ants got smarter. They stopped volunteering, creating a dangerous precedent where he had to find another way to barter with an adversary with a voracious appetite. Seeing no other way around delaying the inevitable, the Great Shepherd and his minions create a cunning plan to maintain their order while keeping their adversary at bay. This plan involves the unwitting collaboration of Ave, a supposedly average ant, with a secret that could cost him his freedom. Ave has no idea that his unusual habit of questioning the status quo may be the key to solving a perplexing mystery in Ben Run's Mr Average and the 12th Stone: Watch Your Mandibles.

Impressive world-building is the highlight of Ben Run's Mr. Average and the 12th Stone: Watch Your Mandibles. He does an incredible job of bringing the supposedly mindless activities of typical ants to life using creative storytelling that features what we know about them. He combines that with ideas of pure genius, such as the ants' somewhat obsessive preoccupation with adjusting the gap. The character development is extensive. Still, when you consider this installment part of a comprehensive series, you realize Run intends to familiarize readers with the workings of Ave's mind so that they appreciate his propensity for creating problems for others simply by asking uncomfortable questions. The novel's unique feature is how Ben's storytelling style blends with a frenetic pace and interesting subplots in a rapidly evolving conspiracy that adventure enthusiasts will love.

Carol Thompson

Mr. Average and the 12th Stone: Watch Your Mandibles is a thought-provoking fantasy by Ben Run that blends dystopian elements with quirky humor. Set in the underground world of Ant Nest, the story follows Ave, an average ant trying to navigate a highly controlled environment where every thought and emotion is monitored. Ave runs a mind optimization stall, brewing potions to fix fellow ants' minds while struggling to fulfill his desires in a world that constantly keeps him one step away from satisfaction. When Ave is chosen as the most average in Ant Nest, he is tasked with pushing the button to start the 12th-anniversary celebration. Unbeknownst to him, this simple action will save or doom Ant Nest as it faces a threat from the evil queen of darkness. The timing couldn't be worse for Ave, who is about to finally reunite with a secret love hidden in his mind for years.

Ben Run's world-building is imaginative and satirical, with the rigid structure of Ant Nest mirroring the absurdity of bureaucracy. The way Ave's inner desires are manipulated and suppressed offers a surprisingly deep commentary on control, conformity, and individual agency. The humor, often dark and absurd, keeps the narrative fresh, making it feel like a modern fable. Those readers who enjoy speculative fiction with a blend of satire will find Mr. Average and the 12th Stone a fun and thought-provoking read. Ave’s journey, though bizarre, captures the universal struggle to break free from societal expectations and find personal meaning in a world obsessed with order.