Murder at Misty Creek

Starry Hill Cozy Mystery Book Four

Fiction - Mystery - Murder
213 Pages
Reviewed on 05/15/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Gaius Konstantine for Readers' Favorite

Being in love with the person you married is about as good as life gets. But life is rarely that simple, and the good is often found with the bad. Jeanie Wolfe's novel Murder At Misty Creek tells the story of a young, loving couple, Robin and Lee, and their experiences with the good and the awful. Lee is a local deputy in Starry Hill, a growing small town, while Robin is a vacation rental agent, and they're as happy as the two peas in the proverbial pod. This charming couple decides to buy a piece of land and build a home to have some kids instead of just kittens, leading to an encounter with a belligerent and angry future neighbor. When this same neighbor is found dead and buried on their land along with his dog, Robin and Lee find themselves looking for a killer among their new acquaintances. The problem isn't a lack of suspects; it's just that everyone they meet is one.

Murder At Misty Creek by Jeanie Wolfe is a simple and fluid murder mystery with a focused plot that is easy to get into. What is not so simple is the multiple themes underneath. Love features prominently in the novel, as does the pressure people feel in their daily lives and the struggles of trying to keep it all together. The story builds up almost immediately and maintains a brisk pace throughout the novel, which helps tremendously in engagement and immersion. As a story, it is neither gruesome nor gratuitous, and, excepting the murder aspect, could be described as wholesome. I don't think I've ever read such a cheery murder mystery before. Jeanie's characters are well thought out and developed. Each individual is unique and believable. Murder At Misty Creek is a solid whodunnit for fans of mystery tales, with a chocolate chip cookie recipe included as a bonus. What's not to like?