Murder in the West End

The Plays of Agatha Christie and Her Disciples Volume 1

Non-Fiction - Music/Entertainment
550 Pages
Reviewed on 07/20/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

If you're a fan of Agatha Christie or just love a good mystery, Murder in the West End by Amnon Kabatchnik is a must-read. This book, part of Kabatchnik's acclaimed reference series, dives deep into the world of crime plays, spotlighting Christie's famous works and those of her contemporaries and disciples. He covers Christie's renowned stage thrillers like “Ten Little Indians, “Witness for the Prosecution,” and “The Mousetrap”—the longest-running play in the West End. But that's just the beginning. The book explores over 65 crime and menace plays that premiered in London's West End during the early 20th century. Readers will find entries on works by authors like Edgar Wallace, W. Somerset Maugham, A.A. Milne, and Daphne du Maurier. Each play is presented with a plot summary, production details, critical opinions, and biographical info on the playwrights and key figures.

Amnon Kabatchnik's informative and engaging writing makes this more than a dry reference book. It's clear why his previous works have been praised for their readability and depth. Whether you're a theater enthusiast or a mystery lover, Murder in the West End is a treasure trove of information and a captivating read. To retain the historical context, Kabatchnik didn’t remove what could be termed 'offensive' elements, making this a cherished collection. I thoroughly enjoyed this book as I was introduced to short stories I had never read and reacquainted with many. Murder in the West End is a valuable addition to any bookshelf or classroom. For literature and mystery lovers, you won’t want to miss Kabatchnik's book.