My Baja Snapshot

Hidden Gems, Mishaps and Discoveries

Non-Fiction - Travel
62 Pages
Reviewed on 08/21/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Emily-Jane Hills Orford for Readers' Favorite

“What could go wrong?” Now that’s a loaded question that is bound to jinx the one who asks it. Jo Dibblee and her partner Michael traded a 2500 square foot house for a tiny home on wheels and moved from Canada to Baja, Mexico. They’d been there before, so they knew what they were doing, right? Read Jo Dibblee’s My Baja Snapshot: Hidden Gems, Mishaps and Discoveries and you’ll quickly learn the benefit of hindsight. Stubborn, yet determined, they carried on and now Jo is sharing their stories and photographs with the world. They have lots of tips to help wannabe travelers live their dream life in a foreign country.

Jo Dibblee’s book My Baja Snapshot is an insightful travelogue full of stories and advice to pave the way for other travelers and dreamers. As the title suggests, the book is a snapshot, a capsule-sized look at an incredible journey made by two determined Canucks. The author not only shares their experiences but also some of the key elements that attracted them to Baja. This embraces the history, including some interesting information about the early Jesuit missionaries, and the natural world, featuring some beautiful biosphere reserves. The journey began with a tiny home on wheels, but the couple completed their odyssey with a permanent house they built in Mexico. Their adventure didn’t end in this new home but continued as they reached out to help the residents of the community they now call home. Team Humanity Baja’s goal is to “continue to ease the lives of those in need. To elevate, educate, and empower while respecting culture and traditions.” An engaging and educational read.

Philip Van Heusen

If you had a chance to learn about a new place or way of living, would you choose to consult someone who has a theory or someone who has actual experience? If you chose the latter, then My Baja Snapshot: Hidden Gems, Mishaps and Discoveries by Jo Dibblee is the book for you. During several long trips, Jo and her husband lived in a home on wheels until they decided to move to Baja California permanently. This book describes the ins and outs of traveling to Baja and living in an RV. Jo shares advice and amusing stories about their adventures. She even includes many Spanish phrases that will come in handy when you travel to Mexico. Trying to communicate in Spanish, even if your Spanish is poor, is considered polite and shows respect. One big lesson that Jo learned is to slow down and enjoy the journey, not just the destination.

Jo Dibblee and her husband enjoy road trips. She shares her stories in My Baja Snapshot, adding interesting facts and details of their adventures to and in Baja. Jo is a humanitarian and founded a ministry to the poor of Baja. Jo writes with the voice of experience and shares in a way that will keep you interested. It is her desire to help her readers navigate the wonderful world to be found in Baja California with ease and comfort. Trips are supposed to be fun and enjoyable, and the information shared in this book will ensure this. The wonderful and colorful pictures that Jo includes in this book add to the excitement as you prepare for your next trip, wherever it may take you. Who knows, a trip to Baja might entice you to move there and become permanent residents like Jo and her husband. This is an enjoyable read, even if you have no plans to visit Baja.

Astrid Iustulin

Who doesn't like to travel? Every trip reveals cultures different from ours, foods we've never tried before, and languages ​​we do not know, and makes us experience unexpected events of all kinds. If you enjoy traveling and are curious about new places, I recommend reading Jo Dibblee's book, My Baja Snapshot: Hidden Gems, Mishaps and Discoveries. The author will tell you how she and her husband embarked on an adventure that took them from Canada to Baja California, Mexico, and will share her experiences on roads, food, bugs, Spanish lessons, and much more. Besides tips and recommendations, this splendid book includes many beautiful photographs of places and food that make you feel like you are already there.

I loved reading My Baja Snapshot because this book is fun and different from the other travel books I have read until now. Jo Dibblee shares her personal experiences in a way that makes you want to visit Mexico and hit the road as soon as possible. I enjoyed learning about how she and her husband became residents of Mexico and valued her tips on various topics. I especially appreciated the information about Mexican food; I will keep in mind what happened to the author with the Chili Relleno when I get a chance to try some. also liked the Mexican expressions Dibblee included; some are really inspiring. I recommend My Baja Snapshot: Hidden Gems, Mishaps and Discoveries to all readers who are travelers at heart. This is the perfect read to start dreaming about your next adventure.