My Forever Home

An Adventure Story

Children - Concept
75 Pages
Reviewed on 06/11/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Kayleigh Perumal for Readers' Favorite

My Forever Home: An Adventure Story by Lee Takasugi explores one remarkable girl’s search for her dream home. At first, others tell her that they would choose a golden fort or a penthouse suite. But these do not seem to suit her at all. She then turns to literature, admiring places around the globe, using her imagination. Although these fantastic locations — a castle, vineyard, hot-air balloon, train, sea cave, prairie, pyramid, an island, and space — are enchanting in their own right, none of them feels just right. Soon, her quest takes her far deeper — within. Accompanied by her adorable dog, she discovers that there are places inside her that are worth discovering, which are incomparable to anywhere else. She ignores the criticisms and commands of other people. Instead, she focuses on building a home inside herself, surrounded by the things she loves.

This imaginative and colorful book delves into themes of home, belonging, and identity. It has a powerful message that many young readers can learn from. As a child, people are always asking you to conform, but it is vital to tune them out to discover who you are outside that. The main character’s self-exploration will remind young readers to be courageous in finding their own way and identity. Lee Takasugi’s captivating and creative illustrations effectively portray the magical places that the protagonist visits. They help to fully immerse the reader in the young girl’s world. Additionally, they offer insight into her character as a bright and unique individual. I can confidently recommend My Forever Home: An Adventure Story because it examines crucial concepts for young children and is beautifully illustrated.