Myrtle the Odd Circle

Children - Social Issues
25 Pages
Reviewed on 07/12/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Emma Megan for Readers' Favorite

Sara Wilson's wonderful children's picture book, Myrtle the Odd Circle, revolves around a slightly wobbly and off-center circle. Myrtle isn't happy about his shape. He isn't as perfectly round as he wishes to be. All his friends are beautiful and perfectly round. When Myrtle meets Betty, she asks him why he is so sad, and he answers that he is not round like her. He then meets Sunny, Greeny, and Polly. They all ask him the same question, and Myrtle gives them the same answer. Then, they all go for a roll together. Rolling in funny ways and looking ridiculous, they stumble across a challenge they have not faced before. Shortly after, Myrtle learns a valuable lesson that he will never forget. He is no longer sad.

Myrtle the Odd Circle by Sara Wilson is a sweet board book perfect for helping little ones build a sense of confidence in their own individuality and uniqueness. It promotes an essential and powerful message of self-acceptance and self-worth that is inspiring and empowering. It celebrates being yourself, friendship, and, most importantly, having your style in doing things, like every circle in the book has its own special way of rolling. With warm, cute illustrations and simple text, this charming board book proves that being different isn't just okay—it's fantastic, and that is what makes us great. It will appeal to creative children and anyone who needs to learn to respect the differences that make us unique. It encourages them to accept themselves and others and to roll through life with a smile.