Mysterious Tales of the Unexplained, Volume 3

Young Adult - Mystery
230 Pages
Reviewed on 09/06/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Mysterious Tales of the Unexplained: Volume III is a collection of four short stories by Patricia Miller. In "Secrets at Sea," amateur detectives Kelsie and her boyfriend Max are ready for an adventure aboard the Agatha -- a cruise ship -- when they inadvertently stumble upon the plans of a nefarious criminal. "Vats Trouble" follows twelve-year-old Tommy, who, after witnessing a man fall to his death into a vat of cheese at a cheese factory, takes it upon himself to uncover the truth. "Freakish Knight" follows two friends, Rose and Charlotte, in an old castle where things go missing. After two young men discover secret tunnels, Rose and Charlotte set out to solve the mystery of the missing items. The purchase of a century-old three-story building leads a small family to an unexpected treasure hunt in "Keyholes."

Get ready for a healthy dose of mystery, suspense, and intrigue with this enthralling collection of short stories. Mysterious Tales of the Unexplained: Volume III offers readers four captivating mysteries that include whodunnit, crime, treasure hunt, and a tinge of the paranormal. Author Patricia Miller excels in building up an atmosphere of eerie tension, and it makes the settings so much more immersive for the reader. All four stories have protagonists you want to root for. Miller also brings a flavor to the narrative that adds a bit of light-hearted humor to these stories. As someone who loves to read short stories, I thoroughly enjoyed this anthology. "Freakish Knight" was my personal favorite of the bunch. This book is tailor-made for sleuth and mystery aficionados.