Ofoufouk and the Light of Friendship

Children - Mythology/Fairy Tale
36 Pages
Reviewed on 09/22/2024
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Author Biography

Nadine was born in Cameroon, where she spent her formative years immersed in its rich cultural heritage. For over two decades, she has lived in the United States with her husband and children, who have always encouraged her to share her stories. Through her fiction, Nadine strives to weave African culture into narratives that connect, educate, and inspire readers worldwide.

In addition to her fiction writing, Nadine leverages her deep understanding of startups to guide new companies in establishing market presence and attracting customers through her business writing.

Nadine holds an Executive MBA and a Master’s degree in Applied Economics.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Luwi Nyakansaila for Readers' Favorite

Ofoufouk and the Light of Friendship is a children’s picture book written by Nadine Nana Tangpi with illustrations by Mehedi. It is based on a Cameroonian folk tale about Ofoufouk, a lonely bat who yearns for friendship in an African jungle. Ofoufouk loves his habitat, eating sweet fruit during the day and flying at night. Unfortunately, he has no friends because the other flying creatures find him unusual in sleeping upside down in trees. His life changes when he challenges himself to find a friend. One day, the morning light sparkles differently, introducing him to Nyam, the sun. The two have fun together and form a special bond. Unfortunately, this friendship does not last, but after the heartbreaking loss of his mother, Ofoufouk finds a new friend who gives him comfort and soothes his sorrow, teaching him the importance of having a companion in dark and sad times.

Ofoufouk and the Light of Friendship is a captivating, emotional tale that will resonate with both children and adults. The story introduces readers to the rich African folklore about why bats fly at night. It has themes of self-acceptance, diversity, and friendship, particularly the importance of having friends during sad and happy moments. Nadine Nana Tangpi’s narration is well-paced and calm, making it an ideal choice for sharing with children or students during storytime who will enjoy answering the interactive questions at the end of the book. The colorful illustrations complement the text and bring the characters to life. The lush green jungle and beautiful sky set a vibrant backdrop for Ofoufouk's home, immersing the reader in the story. Overall, this is a great read, and I recommend sharing this book with your children to teach them valuable lessons about friendship, self-acceptance, and resilience.