On Mondays We Play Bridge

Fiction - Inspirational
196 Pages
Reviewed on 08/11/2024
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Author Biography

Joshua has always had a passion for writing. Born and raised in Andover, Massachusetts, his biggest distraction from becoming an author was the theatre, which he first discovered in his hometown. He later earned his B.F.A. in Musical Theatre at Point Park University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Joshua currently resides in New York City where he plays Bridge once a week with friends twice and thrice his age, including his best friend at almost one-century-years-young. This has inspire Joshua to write his first novel, "On Mondays We Play Bridge," sharing life lessons like listening to your partner, losing a hand, being dealt a lousy hand and more.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

When Josh moves to New York to live his dreams, he does not expect to make friends with a diverse group of people of different ages. They all meet on Mondays for a game of bridge at Natalie and Frank's house. The couple is in their nineties, have been married for over seventy years, and have a lot of wisdom to share. Josh learns how to play bridge from his friends and gets advice on friendship, relationships, life, mental and physical health, setting goals, politics, and many more topics. He also teaches them about technology, applications, dating in modern society, gender, and many more things. Get a copy of On Mondays We Play Bridge by Joshua Desjardins and learn about life from this eclectic group of friends.

On Mondays We Play Bridge is a wonderful book that teaches many life lessons and encourages people to make friends with people from different generations. It is easier to learn about life from someone who has lived it. Joshua Desjardins is an engaging writer who made the book interactive by addressing the reader and asking direct questions. I loved his friendly tone and vulnerability. He admits to having anxiety and feeling insecure. I also loved the concept of a chosen family and how we can love one another even if we do not share the same blood. The jokes and references to movies and musicians made me smile. They showcased the author's friendly personality and made me wish I was his friend. I highly recommend this book because it is a life-changing work to help you realize the power of friendship and being there for one another.