One-Beer Daisy

Facing Death, Life, and Growing Up Along the Way

Non-Fiction - Memoir
392 Pages
Reviewed on 10/13/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Foluso Falaye for Readers' Favorite

In One-Beer Daisy: Facing Death, Life, and Growing Up Along the Way, Maikel L. Wise narrates his story of loss, healing, and the treasures of life. From making funeral arrangements to being with his mother during her hospice care, the author reflects on how he endured the reality of losing his mother. Also, he recalls his journey of growing up in a small town on Shiney Rock Road and gaining memorable experiences, including fighting bullies, witnessing his parents' separation, and seeing his father suffer some injuries from a terrible accident. Maikel didn't grow up in a rich home, but he was lucky to experience a mother's love and her resolve to provide for her family, even if it meant doing multiple jobs, including a mentally draining prison job. Maikel's story depicts vividly the heartwarming relationship between a mother and a son who were there for each other in their times of need.

I was seriously inspired by how both Maikel L. Wise and his mother endured deep emotional struggles to care for one another. It takes a strong personality to deal with your mother's alcohol addiction and make the tough choices regarding her final days. Maikel's storytelling style is very engaging since it smoothly alternates between anecdotes from the distant past and ones from more recent times. It covers drug dealing, discrimination, schooling, marital issues, and other captivating themes. Readers who wish to know what it's like to prepare for losing a relative will find Maikel's detailed account educational and worth remembering. It will prepare you for making crucial burial decisions like choosing whether to bury the deceased's ashes under a headstone or not. Ultimately, One-Beer Daisy is a riveting memoir that celebrates life and highlights the importance of appreciating every precious moment with our loved ones.