One Heartbeat

The Story of the 1983 University of Texas Baseball Team, and Their Road to the National Championship

Non-Fiction - Sports
268 Pages
Reviewed on 07/14/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Philip Zozzaro for Readers' Favorite

In One Heartbeat by Jerry Johnson, the hurt still hadn’t abated since the University of Texas Longhorns left Omaha in defeat in the 1982 College World Series. The team were heavy favorites to win it all but came up short. Coach Cliff “Gus” Gustafson was resolute in reaching Omaha in 1983 and winning the series. Gustafson was a hard-driving coach who had his players practicing in nearly every free minute. The 1983 team was brimming with talented players such as Roger Clemens, Calvin Schiraldi, Mike Brumley, and Jose Tolentino. The team began their work for the 1983 season in the fall of 1982 and continued through the early winter of 1983. Gustafson downplayed the team’s chances, but as the season progressed, no one could deny that the 1983 Longhorns were a cohesive team of talent. Their date with destiny lay in Omaha once again.

A feeling of nostalgia runs deep through the recounting of the legendary 80-game season that ran through June 1983. The feeling of anticipation and hope is palpable in the description of a team in a rebuilding mode. Gus Gustafson is not only portrayed as the head coach of the team but also as a quasi-father figure to the young men under his leadership. The narrative of the team’s headway is told through colorful highlights, whether it be a triumphant win or a frustrating loss. The depth of talent that ran up and down the line-up aided the team and picked up the slack in clutch performances. Author Jerry Johnson has written a moving account of a fantastic comeback story. One Heartbeat will win over any sports enthusiast.