Penelope The Pesky Pelican

Children - Picture Book
30 Pages
Reviewed on 07/11/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Amy Raines for Readers' Favorite

Penelope The Pesky Pelican is written by Scotty & Kris Bolleter and is illustrated by Evelina Losich. Penelope is a happy and energetic Pelican who loves to spend time with her friends. But, when she tried to talk to Delilah Dolphin, her friend told her to stop being so pesky. Delilah had hurt Penelope’s feelings, but the pelican decided to try to spend time with one of her other friends. To Penelope’s surprise, some of her other friends had the same response to her as Delilah Dolphin had. Broken-hearted, Penelope flew away, not knowing who she could play with that didn’t think she was pesky. Why do Penelope’s friends respond so rudely to her? Does she have a friend who loves her for her pesky personality and all?

Penelope The Pesky Pelican is a wonderful story that kids will absolutely love. The characters are unique animals that are easy to identify with as they help deliver the messages this story has to offer about the importance of being yourself, having friends who love you for who you are, and understanding that the way we behave around others can be hurtful. The illustrations by Evelina Losich are creative and beautiful, and they kept me drawn to the story. I recommend Penelope The Pesky Pelican to young children who are ready to read and learn life lessons that will stick with them through the years. I hope that Scotty & Kris Bolleter write more stories like this one that are as entertaining as they are educational.