Petunia the Perfectionist

Children - Picture Book
32 Pages
Reviewed on 05/14/2024
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Author Biography

Marissa Bader is a Minneapolis-based children’s book author and freelance writer who also holds a Master of Arts Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy. She served as the Twins Editor and mental health writer at Lucie’s List for several years, and has written for a variety of publications such as Psychology Today, MN Parent, HuffPost Parents and Twiniversity to name a few.

Marissa’s children’s books, The Only Me and Stella’s Brave Voice were inspired by her own three daughters, a set of twins and a singleton. Marissa loves witnessing their unique personalities blossom, and reminds them often to use their own brave voices – and, amazingly, they each do the same for her.

When not writing, you can likely find Marissa reading, savoring nature or having dance parties with her exceptionally energetic daughters and husband.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Luwi Nyakansaila for Readers' Favorite

Petunia the Perfectionist is a children's picture book written by Marissa Bader with illustrations by Ellie Beykzadeh. It tells the story of Petunia, a young girl who is obsessed with perfection. Her pursuit of perfection leaves her with no time for fun and takes away all the spontaneity in her life as she tries to avoid making mistakes. When her classmates and friends start calling her a perfectionist, she looks up the word and discusses it with her mother. Her mother reminds her that making mistakes is important for learning and growth, but Petunia is convinced she needs to be perfect. However, when she makes a mistake that inspires everyone, including herself, she begins to understand that it is okay to make mistakes and that imperfections are part of being human.

Petunia the Perfectionist is a delightful children's book that addresses the important themes of self-acceptance and the value of imperfection. Petunia's journey to understanding that mistakes are a natural part of being human is relatable and engaging for readers of all ages. The book teaches children to embrace their uniqueness as well as that of others. Marissa Bader explains that striving for perfection can have positive and negative consequences. With adorable, colorful illustrations and a relatable protagonist, this book is sure to resonate with young readers and help them develop a more positive attitude toward imperfection. The gentle and reassuring tone of the narration makes it an excellent tool for parents and educators to help kids develop a positive self-image and a growth mindset, celebrating the beauty of imperfection along the way.