Pippin's River Rescue

Children - Picture Book
32 Pages
Reviewed on 05/19/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Tiffany Ferrell for Readers' Favorite

In Pippin’s River Rescue by Julia Seaborn, we are introduced to a spunky and spirited poodle who loves to take walks along the river with his owner. At the river, there are many friends that he loves to play with including a possum named Blossom, a family of little cygnets, and a family of dolphins who live in the river. Normally it's a fun day, but on this day something goes seriously wrong. Pippin is greeted by Bubbles the dolphin and her calf Rocket. Pippin joins Rocket in the water to enjoy a little splash when he finds the dolphin calf stuck in a net. Pippin tears at the net, along with Blossom the possum, to try to free their friend but it doesn't help. Eventually, they do free Rocket and the crisis is averted. That's when Pippin's friends say that this happens often and that the waste humans throw in the lake is dangerous. This worries Pippin and he tells his mother who promises that they will help clean up the lake so another incident doesn't happen.

I found Pippin's River Rescue a great and informative read for children. It sends an important message to younger generations regarding protecting wildlife and the environment. Pollution and garbage fill bodies of water and land which can be dangerous or fatal to animals in the wild. This event is an eye-opener for Pippin, and I believe it will be the same for the young reader. Pippin knows he has a job to do afterward to make sure this doesn’t occur again so he talks to his human and together they decide to do their part. It’s a good book to show kids how to take care of nature and the earth. The illustrations are beautiful and bright and fit perfectly with the storyline. Richard Hoit’s work is amazing and will capture the young reader's eyes easily. Julia Seaborn has done a wonderful job with this book and is sending an excellent message to future generations. I can’t wait to read more of her work.