Poems for Young Eyes and Curious Minds

A Poetry Collection

Children - General
87 Pages
Reviewed on 08/03/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Emily-Jane Hills Orford for Readers' Favorite

Do you like math? How about Lego? Did you know that Lego was created in Denmark by a man named Ole? In Vikas Parihar and Rudra Parihar’s Poems for Young Eyes and Curious Minds, you’ll learn more about Lego, like: “Every brick tells a tale,/ We build and break, then start anew,/ With each creation, our dreams come true,/ In a Lego land, where fun’s the clue.” You’ll also read about things you love, like the beach, your teachers, school, and so much more. Life is full of fun, playful adventures, and so many things that marvel the mind, like how electricity works and why the dinosaurs disappeared.

Vikas Parihar and Rudra Parihar’s book, Poems for Young Eyes and Curious Minds, is a poetry collection like no other. The anthology is full of rhyming verse tributes to the things that inspire and interest young people. Not only will young readers learn something new about the simple things in life, but they’ll enjoy the rhyming game of poetry and perhaps start writing some of their own stories in verse. The collection is interesting, too, as it covers a wide range of topics, many of which don’t appear to connect, other than to the theme of life and all that attracts the attention of young people. Not only does this book make the topics interesting, but the material covered is educational and told in such a way that young readers will learn something and perhaps even retain this newfound knowledge. I loved the illustrations which are as full of joy, adventure, and fun as the poems themselves.