POV: A Breakup

for the little miss overthinkers

Poetry - Love/Romance
157 Pages
Reviewed on 08/15/2024
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Author Biography

Echoㅈ is an inspiring young poet and the emerging author of "POV - A Breakup: For the Little Miss Overthinkers." Her poetry has begun to touch the hearts of readers, one verse at a time.

As a dedicated poetess, Echo uses her creative inspiration to craft poems that speak to the soul, helping people navigate the complexities of love, heal from heartbreak, and find solace in the beauty of words. Her accessible and classic poetry style resonates with those who seek to understand their emotions and embrace their inner 'overthinker'.

Echo is currently pursuing her passion for literature, drawing from her own experiences as an adolescent female writer to create poignant and relatable poetry. She loves reading, philosophy, and exploring the inner workings of daily life.

Connect with Echoㅈ on Instagram (@littlemiss_overthinker) and Pinterest (@poetryforoverthinkers) to follow her journey and stay updated on her latest works.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Most people have their first brush with love in their teens. As a teenager, having your first crush or being in love feels new and exciting, while heartbreak is difficult to navigate. POV: A Breakup is a poetry collection that touches upon the various facets of young love and shows the steps girls take to recover from the pangs of heartbreak. Echo ㅈ offers readers a collection of relatable poems that tap into the emotions and feelings of a person coming out of a relationship. These poems put readers into the POV of a narrator who still misses their ex and is haunted by memories. The narrator's life is disrupted by a relationship that has ended to the extent that even a song becomes a reminder until they find the strength to move on.

POV: A Breakup is so much more than just a collection of breakup poems. This poetry collection takes readers on a journey of self-discovery while offering a gentle hand to guide them through the highs and lows of a romantic relationship. Echo ㅈ uses her own experiences to draw inspiration and pens some mesmerizing verses that teenagers and young adults can relate to. This is a very intimate collection of poems featuring the universal themes of love, breakup, and self-discovery that most readers can engage with. The author has a knack for poetic storytelling, and it's beautifully demonstrated throughout the book. Overall, this poetry collection is bound to resonate emotionally with teenagers and young adult readers. I thoroughly enjoyed it and heartily recommend it.