
Young Adult - Mystery
314 Pages
Reviewed on 10/17/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Mimie Odigwe for Readers' Favorite

In Predestined by Rachel Byrne, strong-headed and rebellious Catalina Jamison is surprised when she receives an invitation to the prestigious Haverford Pines Academy for a six-week intensive summer program that promises to harness her potential. Haverford Pines Academy boasts the crème de la crème among its staff and students, with a notoriously selective admission process. Lina feels out of place in a world of elite, ambitious, and talented teens—until she saves a fellow student’s life and begins to glimpse her potential. As she delves deeper into the training and life at Haverford, she starts to realize that things are not as simple as they seem. How does Haverford Pines select its students? Why do they spy on them? And what if some students are predestined to do good while others do evil?

The world-building is superb. Set in the secluded and rocky mountains of Colorado, the students at Haverford Pines are stripped of their phones, cutting off their connection to the rest of the world. The tension and danger run high, with misdirection at play, leaving readers to wonder what is the school really up to. Predestined is steady-paced, thrilling, and action-packed. The training, testing, rivalry, and friendships are realistic, and the characters are well-written and stay true to themselves. I loved the friendships that were built and the way they cared about and stood up for each other. Rachel Byrne’s writing is fascinating and made every second I spent reading from cover to cover in one day worth it. This book is a must-read for lovers of sci-fi, mystery, thrillers, and young adult fiction.

Stefan Vucak

In Predestined by Rachel Byrne, Lina Jamison is a rebellious, sixteen-year-old high school freshman always in trouble. Her parents received an invitation to enroll her in the prestigious Haverford Pines Academy in Colorado for the summer to discover her ‘true potential’. It wasn’t a choice, they said. Unpretentious, she wondered why she received the invitation. Her first sight of the Academy generated mixed feelings. Set in sprawling wooded grounds, it reminded her of medieval stately homes. Her gorgeous roommate aspired to be a supermodel, and all first-year plebes strived to perfect their life’s ‘purpose’. The Academy wasted no time pushing the newbies through a two-week program of physical training, supervised by senior classmates. It did not take long for Lina to get into trouble with one senior who wanted to run her out of the Academy. Things slowly began to unravel as she and her classmates uncovered dark secrets and apparent motives by organizers to train graduates to be future leaders. Lina finds horrifying information about her origins and strives to learn the truth. Not everything goes according to plan … and Lina is in trouble.

Predestined is a thrilling gem that Rachel Byrne slowly unwraps from the first page. The smooth narrative and crisp dialogue make it a pleasure to read this engaging novel of teen adventure, drama, conspiracy, and personal discovery. From the onset, readers will fall in love with Lina and her irreverent attitude to all authority. Young readers in particular will relate closely to her thinking and behavior. Predestined is not a light book about teen rebellion. Rachel Byrne presents a tightly woven, plausible story that leads the reader through a series of exciting developments until a rousing climax is revealed, with some fun moments in between. As a character, Lina does not lose appeal, but gathers strength and resolve to keep going until she understands everything. Predestined is an interesting book that should appeal to a wide audience.

Alma Boucher

In Rachel Byrne's young adult mystery novel, Predestined, upon receiving an invitation to attend the esteemed Haverford Pines Academy, Lina Jamison could not help but wonder why she had been chosen, considering she felt she had no special abilities or clear purpose. Lina saw her potential when she helped a fellow trainee who needed his inhaler and was entangled in what looked like a huge spider web. This incident led her to believe there might be a reason for her presence at the academy, prompting her to make friends. Together with her new friends, Lina began to question the motivations behind their selection for the academy training program, ultimately uncovering the hidden truths behind Haverford Pines.

Predestined by Rachel Byrne was filled with lies, suspicion, secrets, and friendship. The writing style immediately drew me in, and the suspense kept me on the edge of my seat. I was hooked from the start by the fast-paced action and was turning the pages as fast as I could. The events were vividly described, and I had a sense of participation in all of them. I was guessing till the very end because of all the turns and twists, never knowing what would happen next. The characters were authentic and relatable. Lina and her friends were determined to uncover the academy's secrets and thwart the council's plans. They were an excellent team that worked well together. The story is well-written and is one of the most thrilling young adult mysteries I have read in a while.

Emma Megan

Predestined by Rachel Byrne is a gripping and unpredictable novel. Sixteen-year-old Lina Jamison has one goal. She must avoid outbursts at all costs. When her parents inform her that she was invited to attend one of the most prestigious programs in the country, Haverford Pines Academy, Lina doesn't understand why she was chosen. She hadn't excelled at anything so far other than getting into trouble. She has no direction in life, so she should take this opportunity. Once at the academy, Lina learns that she and all the new members must train to achieve ultimate success. When she begins hoping this elite academy will be the answer to her pathetic future, strange things start to happen, and Lina discovers some dangerous secrets about the academy. How and why were she and the others chosen? Will Lina find her purpose? What will happen to her if she gets too close to their secrets? 

Predestined by Rachel Byrne is a wonderfully crafted story of mystery, suspense, peril, secrets, courage, friendship, competition, and purpose. It's a must-have for all YA mystery fans who love immersing themselves in a story about a place where nothing is as it seems, one that draws them deeper into its labyrinth of secrets and mysteries, and where the truth becomes tangled and dangerous. This story gets better and better as it excels in jaw-dropping plot twists and character development. It blends action with mystery, high tension, and conflict to keep readers on the edge of their seats. Lina is an eminently likable protagonist due to her sometimes relatable, flawed, curious, and ambitious nature.

Antoinette Wessels

Predestined by Rachel Byrne is everything and more you can expect from a great young adult novel. It centers around the main character Lina, a misfit teenager always getting into trouble at school. When she is invited to attend a prestigious summer school, Haverford Pine Academy, she can’t help but think it is a mistake. With no enthusiasm, she attends the summer school. Here she meets friends who become family, and enemies that are out to get her. But everything is not as it seems. Students are being brainwashed and suspicious things are happening. Will Lina and her friends, Eric, Hayden, Charles, and Gabi, be able to stop the enemy before it’s too late? Or will their memories be wiped, losing their strong connection with each other?

There is nothing better than a good young adult novel. Rachel Byrne outdid herself with Predestined. It is well worth the read. It may even be good enough to compete against the best. With suspense and mystery, Predestined keeps you on your toes until the very end. The characters are diverse and the development of the main character Lina is worth mentioning. From the beginning, Lina is a rule breaker, but for the right reasons. This takes her far in the plot. Seeing how she developed from an insecure young girl to a self-assured young adult was great. The climax is also something that caught me off guard; the bizarreness of the whole situation will have your mouth hanging open. I would definitely recommend this novel to any fan of young adult fiction.