Project AGOSHA

Call of the Koteli (Book 1)

Young Adult - Fantasy - Epic
312 Pages
Reviewed on 07/24/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Essien Asian for Readers' Favorite

Chynllungoch falls to the dark ones, and the last bastion of defense between Abertha's subjects and safety goes with it. With no end in sight and the war between the Cotheda and her knights slowly tilting in favor of the dark ones, Abertha tries one last desperate gamble. She entrusts the kingdom's last hope to Maddau, the captain of her guard, and tasks him with transporting a powerful relic to the safety of a distant temple lest it fall into the wrong hands. He may be an accomplished warrior in his own right, but the consequences of an avoidable tragedy leave him doubting his abilities. The only thing standing between Maddau and failure is his loyal soldiers who have sworn to accompany him as they see this task to a logical conclusion, but will that be enough in M.T. Lynx's Project AGOSHA?

Project AGOSHA shows M.T. Lynx's fantastic worldbuilding. With its fair share of sorcerers, mind-reading bartenders, and fighters possessing the remarkable capacity to transition between different dimensions, Lynx sets the stage for an incredibly vivid narrative. She carefully crafts each character's origin story, progressively revealing how the war broke out in the region. This results in deep character development, making them more relatable and their journey more engaging. Maddau's monologue about his suspect suitability to guide his colleagues effectively portrays him as a flawed hero tasked with upholding his honor, a quality that many readers will be able to relate to. The characters' detailed conversations, interspersed with intriguing hints about what to expect later in the narrative, will draw readers into a fascinating journey where the unexpected becomes the norm. Lynx's storytelling style provides a unique perspective on this fantasy adventure, characterized by frequent use of poetic, rhythmic sentences and a steady pace that heightens the suspense and general anticipation of an explosive ending. Lynx balances beautiful storytelling with an exciting plot to create the fantasy genre fan's dream novel.